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>> No.10631372 [View]
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>The ultimate irony of Peterson is his entry level understanding of Nietzsche
This. What really gets me is that Peterson would probably much sooner/more effectively achieve his presumable social goals if only he truly grasped the scope and implication of the "Nietzsche event", the general consensus among secondary sources in "Nietzsche studies", and such.

He seems to basically hold the opinions of Nietzsche that otherwise well read, well meaning but all too selfassured Anglophones have usually ended up arriving at after a passing reading of BGE, TGS, Zarathustra, and maybe one or two of the later works, and perhaps BOT: that of the typical post Kaufmann America centric Nietzsche revival, where the reader is so highly impressed by a certain third of Nietzsche's text, which resonates so powerfully with them that they end up overlooking the fact that they've really passed over a significant amount of whole aphorisms for which they had not context, and so have really overemphasized some aspects of Nietzsche's thought while entirely missing other crucial parts.

Each of those more widely read works start to read very different once one has the context of an extended foray into the early notebooks and philological ruminations, the untimely essays, and some of the more illusive side streets and backways of early/middle works like HATH and especially Daybreak. If someone like Peterson could comprehend Nietzsche's oeuvre in its complete context, including its (especially Francophone) precursors (La Rochefoucauld, Montaigne etc), he would truly be able to combat the especially pernicious contemporary negative/negating affects of intersectional deconstructionism.

But I really don't think he'll be able to do that without truly comprehending Nietzsche, because Nietzsche's oeuvre really is the keystone in that lineage of postwar theorizing, and only with its proper placement could one hope to dispel the incessant tendency to intentional dysalignment and desecration continually brought on by the academic Derrideans, "postmodernists", "SJWs", "cultural Marxists" or whatever you want to call that resentment fueled rabble which plagues us today.

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