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>> No.18843474 [View]
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>Peter Dale Scott
He's good.

>The only difference is that in the 1950s some of them at least sincerely thought they were fighting commies, now it's just Hillary type sociopaths doing this shit for the sake of it and to stunt on each other.
Hillary-type sociopaths think they're doing what's best for everyone. They don't think they're the "bad guys." They see the world system as benefiting the U.S. as well, because the U.S. created it after WWII and has been at the top of it. They think free trade is good. They also look at the Great Depression and see international trade freezing up, which leads to inflation, which leads to Hitler coming to power in Germany and a world war breaks out. The whole system that was designed after World War II was set up -- in theory -- to prevent that from happening again.


But I think Q-Anon conspiracy theorists go wrong by just imagining the deep state / elite as motivated by "evil." Rather, the "deep state" is compartmentalized and operates subtextually. The JFK assassination... the people involved at different levels would have been on a "need to know" basis at different stages, but eventually the different forces arrayed against Kennedy line up, like a game of chess. The structures, incentives, and cultures around the powers that control the U.S. are such that you get group behaviors that don't need to be conspiratorial because they're just following their own political will.

The elite isn't monolithic either. You can have a cadre of elites who want to control and shape society, and then they lose enough power to a different cadre that only wants to control society to the degree it accelerates their exploiting of it. The shift from liberals to neoliberals is how that shift occurred within the Democratic Party for example.

Or take vaccination campaigns. Q-Anon types think of frightening soldiers in masks rolling up and vaccinating an entire town, which sure, is one potential expression of control over people, but it's fundamentally different than what we're actually getting, which is that the unvaxxed just cannot gain employment. Or the difference between universal healthcare and mandatory car insurance. The mandatory car insurance is said to make sure that the costs of accidents are covered, but ooops it's a massive tool to exploit the poor and empower the police state.

Anyhow, Scott defined his approach instead as "parapolitics." He defined it as:


>+ a system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished.
>+ generally, covert politics, the conduct of public affairs not by rational debate and responsible decision-making but by indirection, collusion, and deceit…
>+ the political exploitation of irresponsible agencies or parastructures, such as intelligence agencies…

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