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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21352754 [View]
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have fun awkwarding standing around with a bunch of incels, eating some cum brownies, then going home alone (you're not gonna meet your /lit/ waifu at one of these)

>> No.19538163 [View]
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fucking kek

>> No.19394062 [View]
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>he believes the moon landing was real

>> No.19111071 [View]
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>that artwork
jesus could they make him look like any more of a gorilla ape nigger?

>> No.19054069 [View]
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>he never replied
Gnostics only know how to bait, coom and seethe.

>> No.19009997 [View]
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he is literally rambling like a retard. why do faggots on this board think he's a genius?

>> No.18628450 [View]
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>Ideal husband type!
kek at least the roasite who made that infograph is honest

>> No.18624770 [View]
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>medieval european dark ages
>he bought the "dark ages" myth that the jews sold him

>> No.18530108 [View]
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>> No.18494323 [View]
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>he thinks the ego is the totality of the psyche
lmao read a single page of any psychoanalyst you sub-80 IQ monkey retard

>> No.18350666 [View]
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>breeding contract
kek thats what I'm calling marriage from now on

>> No.18026639 [View]
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>> No.17960571 [View]
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Imagine listening to podcasts like these when you could be pondering the dialogues of Platon

>> No.17073347 [View]
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>Arthur Forrest is the name of the protagonist. He was but a young scholar, confined to his own skull, as his intellectual pursuits slowly drained the vibrancy of his youth. Abroad, his life appeared orderly and dignified, but soon all composure slowly withered as he sensed the presence of Veda.

>Inspired by Goethe's Faust, The Learned Disguise is a literary portrait of a young man's journey of dealing with inner conflicts, falling in love, and discovering his life's calling as a writer.

>> No.17018674 [View]
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A single EPM strike could wipe out all of your electronics. When that happens, you will be seething whilst I will read my foxed copies of classics.

>> No.16984633 [View]
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Kek. This is how Anglos unironically do philosophy now a day's by appealing to shit like "explanatory power" and "simplicity of the hypothesis"

>> No.16806721 [View]
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Plotinus couldn't hold a candle to a one of Shankara's farts. The fact that he would try to construct some metaphysical system on the talks of some random guy who never even clearly stated during his life whether he agreed with it - LMAO what a joke, meanwhile my nigga Shankara revealed the supreme truth of the Aryan scriptures. Shankara is also way more lucid and logical than Plotinus, he completely btfos like 5 or 6 different schools of Hindu philosophy along with Jains and Buddhists all at the same time without breaking a sweat while all Plotinus does is whine and bitch and some gnostics etc. To compare the value of them let's just see what happened to them, Neoplatonism got absorbed into the opposing doctrine of Christianity and finally was cucked out of existence by Christian authorities while Shankara is revered across India and most Indian Philosophy after him is just a modification of his ideas.

>> No.16702748 [View]
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>he thinks existence and non-existence is a real dichotomy

>> No.15879045 [View]
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holy shit lmao hes so assblasted, dude try r*ddit its more your speed

>> No.15790838 [View]
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>12 rules to life
>serious books

>> No.15527058 [View]
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jesus christ thats too god damn based

>> No.15394772 [View]
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faggot, if you're not choking and smacking women like the whores they are during sex then you're a beta. hahhahah I bet you call sex "making love" you stupid queer. women are sex objects. treat them as such!

>> No.15253671 [View]
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consoomers actually believe this LMAO

>> No.15087080 [View]
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holy shit, she's literally SEETHING

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