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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20339550 [View]
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There's a part in the Analects where he cries out lamenting that no lord will use him and that his talents are going to waste. I found it very human and relatable.

>> No.20012067 [View]
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Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

>> No.19869843 [View]
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That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

>> No.19725828 [View]
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It isn't a short story, but a long one. It is the story of a people who traded misery for power, dignity for strength; it is a story of gentle fields and dark satanic mills; it is a story of a candle that burns at both ends, of the best of times, of the worst of times; it is a story of a civilization grown old, withered and exhausted. Alive but not living. And I saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a cage, and when the boys said to her: “Sibyl, what do you want?” she answered: “I want to die.”

>> No.19602002 [View]
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>tfw the video of the drunk guy in a car yelling 'david foster wallace' at confused pedestrians has been scrubbed from youtube
only oldfags will understand this pain

>> No.19476578 [View]
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>he doesn't screw up his sleep for the sake of writing posts no one reads
heh... never gonna make it, bucko

>> No.19465639 [View]
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Do you ever think that the hate we bandy at jannies might make them more stressed and scared and likely to have a hair-trigger ban, which makes more retaliatory threads like this, causing an endless cycle of violence and hatred which only makes life worse for all of us?

>> No.19435376 [View]
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I long for a plot worth reading for

>> No.19327827 [View]
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>The awful daring of a moments surrender that an age of prudence can never retract.

>> No.19264463 [View]
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We were so preoccupied telling them they couldn't be women, that we never stopped to think whether they shouldn't be women

>> No.18998079 [View]
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The sun goes down, the stars come out...

>> No.18882258 [View]
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Do you think there is a place for a VN in which the main character is really a city/nation/empire as it develops over time written in the style of Thucydides? The characters more representing classes and their interests, intrigues, and dynamics, focused around set-piece speeches and debates like those of Pericles or Cleon. A kind of sociological story.
I don't know, it just seems like a story without an audience.

>> No.18823372 [View]
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Why can't /lit/ be muh sekrit club again?

>> No.18759509 [View]
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The blackest pill of all is that behind all the romanticism, Liberalism is just one big tax-revolt echoing on for centuries.

>> No.18702992 [View]
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It's pretty sad. I grew up in the north of Australia in a fairly rural area where these guys were wild and mostly lived in and around marshes and wetlands. I always thought they were a very dignified bird, especially the black-feathered ones, as they would calmly and quietly stalk across the grass, always keeping a comfortable distance for you, just pecking at the grass for worms or insects before gracefully flying away. But when i moved down to Victoria all i see of these cunts are noisily scavenging out of bins, their feathers mottled, their skin scrapped and scarred, and a foul stench following them around. What a degeneration, from being a free bird to a flying rodent. I hate it. Some of the people here are also like this.

>> No.15163455 [View]
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He died in a RC car accident. RIP

>> No.15127012 [View]
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>his brain doesn't automatically filter spam threads
hahahaha, it's like you haven't been here for so long that your eyes just slide over these threads without registering anything. It's like you haven't be so conditioned by years and years of bait that your mind has become better at picking them up and reacting subconsciously than all the social ques that you miss because you spend all your time on image boards rather than building social relationships. It's like the very core of your being hasn't been shaped by the unending decline of the board turning and turning in a widening gyre towards theoretical zero points you didn't even think possible, busting your conception of modality beyond repair and throwing the ragged corpse of your mind into a swirling abyss of nihilism and schizophrenia that makes you regret waking up in the morning.
heh, feel sorry for you kid...

>> No.15045989 [View]
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I miss DFW reaction images

>> No.14931470 [View]
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>> No.13993434 [View]
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what awful news to wake up to

>> No.13574928 [View]
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I mostly read political philosophy and the reason i don't make threads about it is that /pol/tards and /leftypol/tards are attracted to anything even tangentially related to politics and will hijack threads to bloviate their received wisdom. You can't go 5 posts without someone mentioning Spergler, Hitler, Marx, Mosley, Evola, etcetera, and any thread that touches on a particular ideology is doomed from the beginning. When it comes to politics, people would rather be cheerleaders than interlocutors. Basically, you can't discuss anything related to politics here as /lit/ has the unfortunate fate of being on the same website as /pol/. If you post anything related to a specific book (especially if its not a meme book), you will get maybe 7 responses if you're lucky. I think your image typifies the problem with politics: people read to become a "non-retarded libertarian" rather than for any agnostic interest in the subject matter—you've already chosen your ideology, and merely read to become a better advocate for it. I know it may be old-fashioned to say this, but: shouldn't you merely be interested in the truth (as far as that exists) of politics? Isn't that what philosophy is all about? It's all so tiresome...

>> No.12993556 [View]
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i wish i could draw cute anime girls

>> No.12263927 [View]
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Bugs..... Come back.

>> No.12253429 [View]
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I may have agreed with this sentiment at one point, but not anymore.

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