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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18331197 [View]
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All of you are faggots. If you want to be a well rounded, intelligent and strong man, delete all social media and start working as a carpenter or some kind of hard manual labor job. You don’t get the gay, sculpted non-functional strength that comes from lifting, you get complex compound exercises 8 hours a day, and when you get home, you can enjoy a a few brews and a good book and articles till you have to wake up and do it again the next day.
>inb4 but muh 8 hours a day working!
1 in a thousand posters here actually make use of their idle time. The majority of you would do well to have a third of your day taken from you, if only so that you value the time you do have to yourself. I write more, read more, and am more disciplined now that I’m in the trades. Gym fags kys, book fags kys, balanced well read, disciplined men who know how to build things in the real world: these are the only ones I admire.

>> No.17718067 [View]
File: 29 KB, 300x400, 8B1E96CA-E9BA-4060-8266-BFB2D7F25899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s pretty plausible Judas did hang himself for giving up Jesus to the authorities. Betrayers committing suicide is not a new or novel phenomenon, and Judas happened to betray someone in whose name he had been performing miracles, and traveling with, for three years. They knew each other deeper than friendship. Judas was one of only 12 men who considered themselves the disciple of a man claiming to be the Messiah. Suicide just makes more sense in the case of the murder.
The other two cases are purely conjectural, so there isn’t anything to “disprove.” Especially since you flatly do not believe in miracles. but within the scope of the Bible, it’s not at all unusual for people to just die for sins or for whatever reason the Lord pleases; you might even call it deus ex machina
Your interpretation owes more to a post-structuralist hermeneutic than to a proper, impartial scholarly analysis, but I can’t really fault you for that. Unfortunately that is the culture in which we are steeped. But reading Acts as a chronicle of cynical cultists desperately trying to subvert the Roman Empire from the inside requires faith, just as reading it as a sincere if hagiographical history of the early church, as was intended by the author, requires faith. Neither are necessarily supported by concrete “evidence.” We just weren’t there. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you have chosen to have faith in a modern, anarchistic hermeneutic that says all power and influence is initially established by violence. There’s just no evidence for your position, which one might say, conjecturally yet convincingly, is the result of a hermeneutic designed to reduce all non liberal ethical systems to rubble and thereby expand free trade between groups with different belief systems. One might say you are a cleric for the future global joint stock corporation: the neoliberal kingdom of heaven. I digress

>> No.17155876 [View]
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>> No.16479287 [View]
File: 29 KB, 300x400, 1601168362335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 rules for life (peterson)
midwit advice for normalfags who grew up without a father
Former dada artist who critiques modernity from the perspective of ancient wisdoms
>siege (mason)
satanist guy who loves white people and hates the u.s and the capitalist system and wants to violently overthrow it.
basically neo charles manson, his group probably has more degenerate sex than everyone else here combined.
>pic related
>turner diaries (pierce)
see above, but without the satanism and degenerate sex.
>culture of critique
on the overrepresentation of jews and the inflated influence they have in discourse
>mein kampf
an autobiography and brief history of german political issues, critiques on parliamentarianism, communism, finance capitalism, usery, and commentary on social issues

So what makes it incel?

>> No.16452507 [View]
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It's the same thing, there is no difference. As a westerner, I condone neither, as both will do harm in terms of abrahamic spiritual health. Drugs, in my experience, lead nowhere and are a spiritual distraction. You have to be careful when you do things like meditation, as adopting any sort of ritual without understanding it's otherworldly impact can harm you. Buddhists meditate and often achieve success, through their definition of spiritual success, by discovering the "absence of the self". If you meditate to contemplate, then you leave your mind open to being impressed upon by the multitude of forces attacking it (buddhists have great success because they don't do this). This is why Christian meditation often assumes the role of ceaseless prayer, looking at icons, or having something visual/tactile that will keep your mind focused on God and God alone. If you were an african shaman/pagan/occultist ass blasted on ayahuasca for the sole purpose of obtaining a worldly end, then all of the spiritual affects you are creating will be done through whatever parasite latches itself to you in your distracted state. The same can be seen with yoga, most poses in yoga aren't "stretches" but have some higher spiritual significance that most secular westerners don't understand they're complying with. The modern secular notion of mediation is simply contemplation, and, as a Christian, the internal revelations produced by this have the opportunity to be distractions from God. In summation; drugs are just for getting high and both meditation and drugs are dangerous as fuck if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.16251883 [View]
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As a former psychonaut, don't do psychedelics, they're unironically poison especially in our deracinated age. I lost a few friends to disagreements about their mental health, and seen a few try to get through psychosis. Just don't bro, it won't be a mind blowing transcendental experience, and it'll just distract you from having real ones. If my advice won't convince you, just try not to eat shit. Physical health can regenerate, but fucking yourself over mentally has a threshold and sometimes that wall hits people their first time. Be safe anon, and just stick to books.

>> No.15893162 [View]
File: 29 KB, 300x400, native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single place on (white) earth where the social/cultural foundation wasn't built on christian morality?

i'd gravitate to say there must be some place in eastern/northern europe like estonia or finland out of desperation

i am so goddamn tired of seeing this sort of unconscious commandment waving in people everywhere i go

>> No.12728324 [View]
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>What's the most interesting humanities you can study at an american uni?

You can drop out.

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