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>> No.11126462 [View]
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uh oh, someone's going off the kool-aid, quick everybody tell this guy that he can't even ask this question because the contradiction is actually illusory!! HURRY, TELL HIM THAT IF HE EVEN ASKS THIS QUESTION, IT MEANS HE DOESN'T "GET" GUENON AND HE SHOULD FEEL BAD! use platitudes that don't actually answer the question, but pretend to dissolve it in order to sidestep it!!

everybody hurry, before he realizes that traditionalism like all orientalist syncretist mysticism is an anti-personalist cult, derived from stagnant christless naked power-worshipping empathiless asiatics, whose divine "Self" isn't a Self at all but a pointless parmenidean urgrund

>What is to be said of someone who flings himself into the Ocean and has no aspiration but to drown himself in it?
Rene Guenon

>Eastasia's borders are not as clearly defined as those of the other two superstates, but it is known that they encompass most of modern-day China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Eastasia repeatedly captures and loses Indonesia, New Guinea, and the various Pacific archipelagos. Its political ideology is, according to the novel, "called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-worship, but perhaps better rendered as 'Obliteration of the Self'".
George Orwell

>The mortality of the human being is a reality and it’s of the greatest significance and importance, and of course men are not as strong and as powerful as the gods. And indeed, as we shall see, well, the tragic view of life, which the Greeks invent and which characterizes their culture, is there right at the beginning in the Iliad and the Odyssey. It says that at the same time as man is a remarkable, marvelous creature capable of all sorts of amazing things, even unto being almost like the gods, he is nonetheless mortal and dies, and he doesn’t have the power that the gods do.

>And what do you do about that? Well, it’s interesting, I think, to compare the Greek way of dealing with this human problem that we all have, the problem of death. How do we deal with the fact that we will die? Well, there’s what I like to call the Eastern solution that you find in many an Eastern religion and philosophy that says that man is, in fact, nothing. He is dust. He is dung depending on which story you listen to. So, of course you’re going to die. Who cares? Why should you care? You were nothing to begin with; you’ll be nothing when you’re finished. Relax. Then there is what I would characterize as the Christian solution. You’re worried about dying? You need not die. If you are a good Christian and you do all the things that you need to do to be a good Christian, you will not die.
Donald Kagan

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