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>> No.15062117 [View]
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all the heathens want the gifts of God, the joy, the experiences, the purpose, but none want to believe and obey Him.

that's why there is a resurgence in false spirituality,, people do yoga, buddhism, advaita, ekhart tolle, guenon, they think plato, plotinus, shankara and sufism will give them some mystical experience, some meaning and bliss....
but you can't have the fruits of God without submitting to Him.

>> No.13734578 [View]
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All you need is Christ, and everything else will be revealed and given to you.

>> No.10845552 [View]
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the meaning of life has always and will always be man's search for the Absolute, the unchanging, the transcendent One (aka God).

any authentic "responsibilities" we have revolve around our duties to God. Jordan is sort of on the right track but he doesn't go all the way. And his reluctance to address a certain question is pretty pathetic, but the crowd he keeps makes that difficult.

>> No.10221886 [View]
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>roman empire circa 1st century
>be jew
>"hehehe...time to make up a religion, get tons of followers, shekels and change history forever!"
>protagonist is: virgin, jobless, semi-homeless, lives with his mom, no academic credentials, can't fight, rides around on a donkey
>surrounded by women, tax collectors, pleb fishermen
>His "apostles" constantly screw up, betray him and don't know what's going on half the time
>He tells slaves to submit to their masters, tells the rich to give to the poor
>He blesses bread and wine and tells people to eat it because its truly his body
>everyone is confused as fuck
>he gets beat up and crucified
>comes back from the dead
>followers are too dumb to recognize him at first
>author reveals all their flaws and mistakes
>greeks think he's comically flawed for a God, unheroic and his philosophy is vague and doesn't conform to reason
>jews think he can't be the messiah cause he's unheroic and his teachings are blasphemous
>"Do not think I have not come to bring peace, I came not to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set man against father, daughter against mother..."
>literally becomes the #1 religion, changes history, billions of followers, pagan and jewish families in schism just as he predicted, emperors submit to Christ and spread his teachings worldwide,

The NT has to be true, Jesus' appearance is the most miraculous and absurd thing ever to happen on earth. You literally can't make this stuff up.

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