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>> No.21044668 [View]
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>is that you're not dealing with individual capitalists and mill owners anymore
what Marx wrote applied to capital in itself, not just to its selected manifestations. he illustrated it with the particular form it took in England in his time, but there's a distinction between the illustrative examples and the scope of the explanation itself.
>What's the Marxist program when it's not captains of industry and small business owners acting but private equity funds and central banks?
organization of the proletariat into class, and hence into political party, seizing state power, destroying capitalist economy
do you have arguments or are you just posting for cope
>they think working and hierarchy is evil/unjust
any quotes from Marx to substantiate your fanfic?
>You said a load of nothing.
I demonstrated that, on the whole, Russia was at the economic level of early 1800s Britain at most, which settles the question whether there was a possibility of modern communist production there without any external help and under siege by more advanced adversaries
>you put the primacy of productive force ahead of social change away from the law of value
I'm simply stating that there's a precondition for doing away with the law of value in the level of productive forces. you can't just wish away the law of value when there's no technical basis for socialized production. by insisting on that, you're just doing an impression of the caricature from The German Ideology:
>Once upon a time a valiant fellow had the idea that men were drowned in water only because they were possessed with the idea of gravity. If they were to knock this notion out of their heads, say by stating it to be a superstition, a religious concept, they would be sublimely proof against any danger from water.

>like every revisionist
revisionist of what? of Marxism? here's Marx:
>This sum of productive forces, capital funds and social forms of intercourse, which every individual and generation finds in existence as something given, is the real basis of what the philosophers have conceived as “substance” and “essence of man,” and what they have deified and attacked; [...]” THESE CONDITIONS OF LIFE, which different generations find in existence, DECIDE ALSO WHETHER OR NOT THE periodically recurring REVOLUTIONARY CONVULSION WILL BE STRONG ENOUGH TO OVERTHROW THE BASIS OF THE ENTIRE EXISTING SYSTEM.

>NEP was the tactic admital of the failure of communistic planning in the USSR
no, it was an admittal that Russia was in no position to leap to communist production on its own due to its productive capacities at the time, additionally destroyed by the civil war. they only recovered to pre-war levels just before 1930 (see pic). and the "pre-war levels" for Russia still meant only the beginning of capitalist development, of developing the means apt for socialized labour

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