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>> No.12016356 [View]
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>What bollocks.
Emotional reaction.
>Weather prediction has improved drastically over decades, by a significant multiple
I was not talking about prediction, and it doesn't matter if it has improved over decades if it is built upon faulty data with an extremely limited window of years.
Beyond tree ring samples and soil samples (which only go back so long), there is almost nothing reliable to indicate what the exact temperature was. Tree ring samples and soil samples an unreliable proxies subject to other weather variables such as rainfall amounts, yearly sunshine hours, and for tree rings specifically, insect and mycological infestations. The only argument I have heard from actual climate scientists is the sample is increased to moderate these influences, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a piss-poor indicator of temperatures to begin with.
>We have time lapse video recordings of glacial shelfs collapsing and melting.
And I have a video of an actual tornado! This is a a straw man that indicates absolutely nothing long term.
>It is a geological fact that the climate goes through periodic shifts. The last ice age ended about 11,000 years ago.
Trying to sound intelligent I see? Of course it's a "geological fact" that the climate goes through periodic shifts. This is evidence of widespread change, not precise temperatures used for data to derive models for predicting the future, let alone indicating the change until now. No one is making the argument that the climate is immutable.
>What exactly is going on is an open question, but the climate is definitely changing.
The case for man made climate change is built upon on very dubious data.
>People in Polynesian islands are talking about how their island is slipping into the ocean. Venice, Italy just received historic flooding. Hurricane season has been more intense than usual.
n=1 weather events or seasons (short-term climate) which are altogether useless. This is no different than retards who point to a warm day in the midst of winter and say "ain't no global warming here!".
Hmmm, It's almost like the entirety of my post was about dealing with low IQ imbeciles who self-appropriate the label "scientist" on account of their STEM undergrad degree, and their innate tendency to slander any argument against man-made climate change (or any other March for Science tier topic) as anti-science. It really activates the almonds too, how, for most to arrive at that conclusion would have no understanding of my background! Too bad I didn't say "I never tell them my background." ....W-wait! oh yeah... It was, and I did.

>> No.11940857 [View]
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Tired of seeing the patterns. I tried to push back and break them but it just made me fall back into old ones. Now I'm trying to just go along and suck it up but I feel my sanity slipping away. I just wish I could forget about them.

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