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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11141694 [View]
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Except, y'know, they're being paid for their writing and I have yet to see your works published.

On top of which, they themselves are not what I pointed to, but the comment highlighted to show their influences -- which are /mostly/ agreed among professionals to be great works.

>Did you even look at the list of references, or did you jump to a conclusion because of the video's contents?

>> No.11134861 [View]
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People love those Big Brother-is-bad-news type of books because those kinds of people are ignorant.
>those people typically don't have leadership or entrepreneurship or top-level management experience
>they aren't aware politics and social psychology are the basis for everything humanity does
>they don't comprehend what it actually takes to have that much power/influence over other people and using it responsibly in a way that helps most of the people that support the system
>they can't seem to comprehend that there aren't enough resources (personnel or materials) to actually watch people so extensively... even shit like social media and PRISM take massive shortcuts through AI and algorithms
>they don't think of governing bodies as composed of humans, they think of the spoopy oppressors as being a single unit... in reality, even the acronym agencies have been caught fucking around, like the group of long-termers who got in shit for teaching newbs to spy on, watch, and track hot chicks for nudes and laugh at people who fuck up
>those people aren't matured/grown/developed/enlightened enough to realize they're only afraid of others having access to their personal/inner workings because they themselves know they're immoral, unethical, or doing/thinking/saying things they think they'll get in trouble for.... this is the same reason children learn to lie, they're at first afraid adults know what they're thinking and so they out themselves, but they learn their experience is individual/separate and lie so they don't get in trouble; same thing happened when people thought witches and empaths could read their minds (although in those cases, the people banded together and tried to exterminate them out of fear)

Idk about plebbit anon, or why you're so insecure in your opinions you need to hide behind sarcasm and cynicism, but I prefer to read, study, and analyze a massive variety of works rather than stick to only one mode of thought or work.
>If it's just a case of favourites, whatever, people can like whatever they like
>If it's a case of thinking it speaks to reality, and that "the goobernment" is a singular entity that will catch them doing the bad things, they're ignorant and not developing themselves properly

>TL;DR Canada

>real SMRT /lit/
We shill those books because we find them worth figuring out, not because we think we're so much more amazing than others. At least, that's everyone I know IRL who frequents this board. At best, the closest we get to being dicks about intellectualism is the equivalent in "patrician taste" to the leviosaaa parodies of harry potter. It's a shitty memetic joke.

>> No.11103232 [View]
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>you can tell
>literally the same in each post

>tl;dr posturing, the post
Nah, y'just lost the game sun. If you knew once, ye'd know now. You're on the harbour beach, anon. Looking at the ocean with pealrs underfoot. This is fleet problem templar-cat, and ten years out it's biting your burdened ass.

That's about as clear as I'll make things for the haughtyboy.

>> No.11101196 [View]
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Here, anon/bro, will translate to nigglynog for you:
>"Don talk bout shit when you finna dint no bout the shit, faggot."

>t. doctorate in linguistic anthropology

>> No.11061665 [View]
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Keep writing anon. The feels will always be there for older and lesser works, feel 'em and get gud for the great works.

>trying to bring down the minute, embarrassing happiness an author feels about a published work being praised; especially one the publisher dicked
>hasn't published shit
>writes like a high school student with an ELA teacher's ruler in his ass
The fuck back to plebbit, wordvirgin.

>> No.11057089 [View]
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OP, do you mean to tell me... people go on 4chin... >without RP'ing?

People come here to frustrate themselves, to argue like retarded fat children about their kinks, fetishes, fantasies, and incomplete reasoning? That this really is the "internet hate machine" -- not as a sardonic title, but as descriptor of the hateful creeturs spouting inflammatory nonsense in various categories and fields of interest? That this place isn't a place of learning, but a cesspool of filth, degeneracy, ignorance, and misunderstanding?

>You are an utter faggot for lying.

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