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>> No.23662253 [View]
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This is your chance to recommend that one book you really like but no one else seems to care about.

>> No.21307592 [View]
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If you were a monkey, what would you read?

>> No.20078527 [DELETED]  [View]
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Pongo Edition

Previous Thread: >>20072671

>> No.14500643 [View]
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Can you be more specific about the kind of irony you think is particularly a problem. I am kind of dumb and don't get the big deal. Irony has existed in one form or another going back at least to the plays of the ancient Greeks, and though I understand that most people don't really mean dramatic irony when they talk about "irony poisoning" they do make whatever the bad irony is sounds so vague yet omnipresent that it seems that it could apply to any action undertaken with awareness of the action being undertaken. It would seem that irony is a circle and sincerity is a line according to these estimations, and so long as the knowledge remains that a thing could be connect to itself then this spectre of irony will remain present. I guess there is also the "irony" of saying one thing and doing another on purpose for comedic effect, or to engender confusion, kind of like trolling but as a cultural force? How is that any different really than having an exoteric and esoteric component with an outward facade meant to disorientate foes? Its just an in joke, right?

Like, I just don't really get it. Hopefully one of you can fill me in.

>> No.14296731 [View]
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wtf is the plasma pill? post the chart

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