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>> No.11207753 [View]
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>what is the fad of transgenderism today but this continued fallout of the rejection of the A = A? the rejection of identity philosophy, or better, the tyranny of identity? people don't want clean closure, they don't want being made flush by conceptuality.

this all day. 100%. *the tyranny of identity* indeed. it doesn't just tyrannize you, it tyrannizes others also...ego-needs are magnetic in this way, the continuation of guerrilla war by other means.

but i tend to see capital increasingly as a force or field, and as such i find i have to go some other, far less heroic, way. but it feels better in my stomach.

>similarity is stifling. thought as its own self-appropriating movement is caught up in the endless repetition of its identity with itself.

yessir. much Big Other. i always like that feeling of reading deleuze and kind of going, ah, right. all of this is in my head. representations are just representations. i am, in fact, *not* That. what That is, i have no idea. sweet.

>isn't it strange there are both traditions that say Chaos pre-existed Cosmos and Consciousness pre-existed Maya?

'tis. primordial Being, the apeiron. the great Tao. pic rel. i'm very much okay with these.

>the flow we are trying to domesticate is us ourselves, no shit no one's worried about the leash they placed around their own necks.

this again. the leash on your own neck is the last one you notice. granted, you see everyone else's, just fine. and they see yours. mimesis follows. you need others to remind you, tho. friends and family, if you're lucky. you can't do it to yourself.

>and aren't we learning identity philosophy AND its converse, the fetishization of multiplicity and difference are both destructive, one kills by dispersion and the other by rigidification? one by an excess and another by its deficiency? which is why the more automated and mechanized the american workweek becomes, the more incandescent the weekends.

preach it all day

>these times will be remembered as a warning to not let our collective gut hang too much after enduring terrible suffering.

kek. and this. we have got a *monster* gut going on. like john candy being expected to do james bond things.

i think the hard part is eating that revolutionary militancy, however awesome the continental legacy is, really is a sunk ship. you still have to just get out there and grind it even knowing what you know. to be positive in a world of forced positivity, laugh in a world sick to death with irony, and fall in love in minefields. but it's also one of those mysterious cosmic rules about comedy: the *worse things get, the funnier they become.* and more fascinating, also.

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