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>> No.11685189 [View]
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Is it even possible to make it in academia without drugs?
My attention span is garbage and I'm under chronic sleepyness all day so I got on modafinil. I take a minimum of 200mg a day everyday. But it doesn't really help that much with concentration so I got strattera, which by itself is great for focusing and working memory but it also makes me crash after a few hours, but thats what the modafinil fixed so it was a great combo, until I run out of strattera. I also drink lots of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes, both of them help with staying awake and being able to focus.
Without all this crap I'm just useless, my brain is just a mush. I can barely retain enough info to connect the ideas in one single page, while when I'm on these substances I can go page after page, easily detecting the main ideas and connecting them at the same time. I also have insomnia and I take zopiclone for that, which gives me visual hallucinations sometimes and a little hang over the next morning, but I kill it with coffee and all the other stuff.
And I need all of this just to be at least a mediocre student.
Without them I'm more of a vegetable than an human.
Are any of you guys one of those people who only use weed to relax and even claim it helps them to focus when reading. I envy them so much.

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