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>> No.17205604 [View]
File: 74 KB, 1369x627, Saladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have stated what you think "should" be
Exactly. The human mind/soul works by striving for ideals. This is why ancient statues portrayed ideal beautifully athletic bodies. It's not that the average person looked like that. It's that humans need an ideal to strive for.
Following this line of thought, the figure of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, has become the ideal image for humanity to strive for.
>And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
2 Cor. 3:18
>your prescribed way.
God's prescribed way. God is never arbitrary. I trust He has our best interest in mind because He is our Creator. Reason only confirms the moral legitimacy of his commandments.
>I wonder what method you assume has "moral legitimacy" to enforce this property right of her father and then husband.
The classical pater familias-style family structure. It aligns with the natural order imposed by God, evidenced in our natures. The woman has not been endowed with the temperament for authority, because that has never been her purpose.
>Biblically, stoning to death on her father's doorstep is one method. When such extreme pressure is placed on humans to adhere to a code, it tends to create an equally strong rebellion against that code. In short, authoritarianism is unstable and untenable and all historical evidence supports that.
Those were God's commands for the specific purpose of allowing the nation of Israel to survive otherwise insurmountable odds in order to eventually fulfill the prophecy of the Christ. The fact it did not disappear like so many other nations would have in their place is nothing short of a miracle, and it probably would have disappeared were not for these drastic measures. Look at this quote by Saladin for reference.
It is no coincidence that so many civilizations throughout antiquity enforced harsh punishment for adultery. The ones that didn't were destroyed. Nations of the past simply did not survive the weakness created by the sort of degeneracy our culture is engulfed in. The world was a harsher place back then.

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