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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15575638 [View]
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Is Mason & Dixon worth reading?

>> No.15449798 [View]
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I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy it now, /lit/. I finished GR after a 6 month battle a couple months ago, and find no book captures me quite like it. So I'm going back for more. Thpughts on Mason and Dixon? Or any other Pynchon observations or musings.

>> No.15124764 [View]
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I read Gravity's Rainbow first and while I enjoyed it, I can understand why people were put off by the complexity of the language and plot, as well as all of the seemingly quirky "lolsorandum" stuff that many people assume is indicative of Pynchon's style. Then I read this, and my God, it is definitively his masterpiece. The prose, if nothing else, is BEAUTIFUL. It is expressive and musical in a way that none of his other works are, you can understand why he uses a frame narrative of this story being told to others, it is essential in giving it that oratory magic. I would happily read this out loud if it wouldn't take so long. And to top it off, it still retains that unique sense of humour and bending of truth and fiction that makes pynchy so distinctive. It is fantastic in every sense of the word.

>> No.12956093 [View]
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So I just bought a new gf and she's gr8 and all, but we've found a stumblingrock problem: I cannot get her to get into Pynchon. I've tried to sing to her some of the GR songs, and I've summarized to her some of my essays on his books, but (even though I'm paying her 150 a day!!) she really doesn't seem to care a bit for it. How do I get her into Pynch? I know that if she actually gets to read him with a good heart she'll love it. She's a smart girl, and she's only waiting for a writer like Pynchon to make her feel understood.
Anyways, I'd accept some council.

>> No.12834600 [View]
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Is anything written by Pynchon after 1997 worth reading?

>> No.12372239 [View]
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150 pages in. I don't get it. The narrative is OK and I catch some postmodern themes but it mostly feels like pretty good historical fiction. Does it get better? Can I do anything to enjoy it more?

>> No.12361391 [View]
File: 23 KB, 318x475, 9611A976-2C25-4989-A3E6-405B74B4972F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.10373387 [View]
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this is now a Mason & Dixon thread

>> No.10364852 [View]
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forgot the damn pic

>> No.10334405 [View]
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How did Jeremiah Dixon learn to wield magic?

>> No.10143923 [View]
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How come Jeremiah Dixon could wield magic?

>> No.10116076 [View]
File: 22 KB, 318x475, mason dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: summarize a book you've never read

pic related: Mason and Dixon hyuck hyuck their way across uncharted virgin American land in a ramshacklin journey that finds them at times alienating local Indian tribes (ol' Dixon shoulda known the chief wouldn'ta been too happy with him sleepin with his 14 year old daughter ("She told me she was 15, Mason I swear!")) and having to scadoo on outta there chased by a rabble of angry tomahawk'n Indians, and at other times accidentally eating poisonous shrooms and trippin out while they sail down the Mississippi. Along for the ride is Spot, a talking raccoon who intercedes on their behalf whenever the local wildlife start a-not-taking-too-kindly to the strangers from back east, and Smudge, the promiscuous local homosexual negro boy-turned-explorer escaped from a life of slavery and rag-taggin it along side his new three best friends:

They're a trio plus one,
And they're out for some fun,
You could call it a cuatro
and their story you'll follow
In this novel by Thomas Pynchun!

>> No.9596529 [View]
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I-I'm not crying...

>> No.9539773 [View]
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Thomas Pynchon is one of the most overrated authors on this board. I can not make it through a single one of his books, even with annotations. The farthest that I've gotten is about 500 pages into Against the Day. Why is he so praised if he can't write coherently? Even Dostoevsky is more coherent.

>> No.9474827 [View]
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mason and dixon is the best bookson in the world

>> No.9305053 [View]
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i google everything he mentions because i don't want to "miss" anything (except the astronomers and scientists because there are a fucking lot), now i'm an expert in stellar parallax and south african cuisine

>> No.9280245 [View]
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I just started Mason & Dixon, about 75 pages in, and I'll admit that I'm struggling with it. Should this be a hard read? I've only previously read Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.9265412 [View]
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I have read Lot 49 and now I am about to start this.

Is this a wise move? Should I acquaint myself with other Pynchon before this or will I be fine?

>> No.9113720 [View]
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For those who have read this what are your thoughts of it? Would you recommend it?

>> No.9087549 [View]
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did a girl just almost had sex with a clock?

>> No.8838690 [DELETED]  [View]
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This was as good as you promised me, /lit/

>> No.7801440 [View]
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>> No.7467061 [View]
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>> No.7462315 [View]
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