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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17868460 [View]
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Spanish speaker fag here. Since italian is extremely similar to spanish I would assume then that it's best to read a spanish translation of the divine comedy. If such is the case, does anybody knows which spanish translation should is best?

>> No.16308874 [View]
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Supporting the "history just keeps going" narrative is a mistake, think words like "control society" and "atomization". This isn't temporal, and never has been. The fight of conservatism has always been a vanguard against the rationalist reductionism that you're promoting. People have worldviews, and, if they don't fight for them, they'll lose their ability to produce such things. We do live in unique times because we're pretending like we aren't. If this doesn't make sense to you then you need to read more, especially contemporary philosophy.

>> No.15641771 [View]
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Tfw switched to entj team

>> No.15641742 [View]
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My gf's getting us popcorn

>> No.15636383 [View]
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He is not speaking about empiric cases, anon. And you know that he is not speaking about empiric cases because he refuses to call the ruler the ruler when the ruler fails in judgement. They are talking about the essence of the arts.

>> No.15488590 [View]
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Do not read that drivel. Articles are churned out at industry rate, and all of them are trivial. They are just there to keep your standing. They are worthless, they are worth less than worthless things..
Better read primary works. You could try Bergson's Essay on the immediate data of consciousness. I remember liking it. It is rewarding and comparatively simple. I also enjoyed Group agency of Pettit and List. I think it is also good for a beginner, and the area is of interest.
Good luck.
t. philosophy student

>> No.15456918 [View]
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I genuinely do not understand you bragging about not being able to comprehend works of philosophy.
I also do not understand why you seem to imply that philosophy means
>you cannot know anything
>experiential knowledge is illegitimate
This is a very silly thing to say.

>> No.15289036 [View]
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Aside from the general distastefulness of using presumed unconscious drives in explaining conscious behaviour, this explanation is obviously lacking. I have to exert effort in reading the text. It does not come easily, and to read, I must set aside the usual distractions, which do come to me readily (electronics, solitaire card games, sudoku, idle talk etc.). So how do I read "only to keep myself busy" if, in order to read, I have to set aside all the things that might with justice be said I partake in just to entertain myself, and that require no real exertion - that is, the things that one might say I do just to do something.
I read because I find value in this path.

>> No.13591460 [View]
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How do I write a nonfiction book without it sounding like a college essay?

>> No.10704486 [View]
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Ironically Slowdive is more about the vibe than the lyrics.

>> No.10414231 [View]
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What is this racism aboot?

>> No.10092695 [View]
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Hey /lit/. I have some questions regarding a writing piece I am doign and wonder if you guys could help. I'm writing a book review and I need peer reviewed sources. Is a book review by a professor for a journal of human biology a peer reviewed source? Thanks a bunch

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