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>> No.9704640 [View]
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Other Me is Best Me once again.

What did it for me with Tiqqun was their own statement: they want to be communists *and* anarchists. It's too much. Learning about Liberation Theology too had a different effect, realizing *how much* you can get your Christianity and your Judaism and your Marxism all tangled up. Understanding this stuff is the first step towards disentangling it, imho, and the more disentangled it gets the less ideologically inclined one becomes I think too.

In the end it's about the politics of *victimhood.* Peterson is right to call this out. Being a victim is always a strong position, but it's ultimately a self-deceptive one and virtually impossible to extricate yourself from without doing some serious cognitive rewiring. We're victimized by our desires, by our fears, by everything. De-victimizing is a fucking process. We just love to fail too much. It's too easy, it's too nice.

And the question of *ritual* is where JBP is probably not going to go so much. But it's right next door.

>I think China treats capital as its Tao. Profound implications if so. They're both as absurd.
I was thinking *exactly* this today. Exactly this thing. Capital = Tao. It's very seductive. Esp if you take a Marxist standpoint and conflate the two. Which is what Tiqqun does, in a way. Very illustrative. Their stuff about cybernetics though is right on point and completely confirms that Land was not crazy to go where he went. He goes hard on China now for the same reasons. Capital/Tao/Empire/Neotaoism makes sense.

>Looking for one ultimate meaning as the ground of things might be the wrong way to go. Jainism incidentally, advocates for hardcore pacifism. Such a thing is paradoxical, which gets resolved within a belief system that has a multiplicity of meanings.
The Jains get it.

Comparative religion. Once the meme supreme of things Not To Study At Uni. Now? Maybe not so much.

Other Me, Best Me. Going to read this book, will check in on this thread later. All glory to the /lit/ mimetosphere

Wasn't there some story about that that motion-sensing/audio thing McDonald's had where a thirty-second ad could be waived if you said, loudly enough for the screen to hear you, that you Were Loving It? I think they scrapped that one but it sounded too weird *not* to be true.
>too weird not to be true

Or that the guy who wrote that jingle killed himself.

Pic related my dudes. Pic fucking related.

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