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>> No.11907237 [View]
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Improper weightlifting technique where you're building up a momentum to swing the weight instead of solely relying on your muscles to lift it. You'll be able to lift moar swinging the weight, but you'll never build up muscle the way you would using proper technique. So while you think you're making progress, your actual skill level is stalling because you're resorting to gimmicks to get your numbers up instead of patient, consistent practice.

Bulking up your people-dealing muscles works under very similar circumstances

Fuck off back to your low impact hundredaire job, babyNEET. The topic of discussion was on how to get rich, not how to impress nerds on 4chan

>> No.11884493 [View]
File: 414 KB, 1282x900, np532a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good god mate it’s not idealization of clinginess it’s human nature
I'm telling you, lad, it's not human nature for a wife to act like a sheep, that's a fantasy. One of the side effects of my wife being raised by a pastor is that she sees right through people's bullshit. I like that about her, means I don't have to fucking deal with it. You should see the way she talks to the dipshits at the health insurance company. She'll make that 400 dollar hospital bill go away so fast that it'd make your penis hurt from getting erect so quickly. I don't want some little girl, whom I have to parent and discipline, I want someone who's going to share my life's burdens so they don't feel so heavy, someone who I can trust to watch my back, someone I can relax and let my guard down around. That's literally the only kind of relationship worth being in, and I can honestly say that from experience.
A virgin is just a dumb young girl who makes you do all the work and complains that it hurts the entire time. And then she'll leave you and play the victim card because that's what dumb young girls do. They're still figuring shit out. You gotta be patient like the fisherman when it comes to dating. It's a game of patience, timing, and luck.

> Your idealizations might have worked in an earlier generation with the pastor’s daughter,
I'm probably no more than 10 years older than you, and just last month I watched my mid-20's in age brother-in-law (the son of the pastor) get married to a sweet young church girl who saved herself for marriage. The thing about church girls is that they only pretend like they don't know what's going on, and they'll see right through someone's bullshit when the only reason they're going to church is to (((pick up chicks))). Church girls may be cool with Ephesians 5:22, but you know damn well they'll expect you to be familiar with Ephesians 5:25-33. My Brother-in-law goes to Bible study groups with his dad multiple times a week, he didn't exactly jump into the relationship with one foot off the ground and his cock in his hand, he lives and breaths that lifestyle. They speak each other's language, that's what makes it work.
My wife and I, meanwhile, would rather be watching youtube videos about history or literary figures on a Sunday morning and barely even feel mildly guilty about not going to church. I'm fucking glad she doesn't drag my ass out of the house, she just makes me coffee and breakfast and puts something intelligent on.

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