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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15687786 [View]
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I want them to see them suffer more than I want to be rich.

>> No.15664557 [View]
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that's a bit simplified but i mean yeah they lead into one another

>> No.15600770 [View]
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Based mao poster.

>> No.15534798 [View]
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>What happened to George Floyd was terrible and we all agree on that.
No. In point of fact, we can't. You subscribe to the notion of a just world and think outcomes should be fair and people outraged on this are often displacing their own moral insults to others in their every day conduct. This is equitable to when people donate to charity to feel that they are good people. Deep down every little insult or misdeed of the protesters is tantamount to strangling a man in the grand scheme of things if you truly are a "good person." There is no just world just as people are inherently cruel. Indeed, if we are to offer comparisons, Mr. Floyd lived a rather long life, presumably had friends and family - all things considered, the whole of his 40 something years were not so tragic. I knew a woman who died at 25 of a brain tumor. I would say that her death is all the more lamentable. I would not care if it was a white individual who had his neck crushed. It makes no difference to me. Life isn't fair and I am not going to waste my valuable time worrying about a game of cosmic dice. My analysis suffices to explain nor just their sentiments but your own.

>We also agree that cops in the US are fucking retarded bullies.
Water is wet. Yet I am not outraged because I do not have a pea brain with an overactive moral center that is searching for a herd sentiment to cling to. These positions naturally attract these sort of individuals.

>> No.12783041 [View]
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What is the reason behind the abundant Christfag infestation of this board?

>> No.12634090 [View]
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> professor askes class to use his personal style guide for citations

>> No.12614283 [View]
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>ITT: Post your favorite literary quotes

>> No.12600973 [View]
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>eight word shitpost due before the thread dies

>> No.12529212 [View]
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>mixing politics and fictional literature

>> No.12190616 [View]
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What's bad about it? I think it properly creates an image, and then applies to it a personified emotion. It is not difficult to understand either.

>> No.12173359 [View]
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Forgive me, but are there any living writers left, worthy of being included in the literary canon of the all-time greatest authors?

Is superb literature a thing of the past, or am I just unaware of the few pearls lost in an ocean of shit?

>> No.12153095 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is /lit/ the least intellectual forum on the internet?
The dialogue on here is reminiscent of the fucking pseudo-intellectual banter one would expect from shitholes such as /pol/.

Seriously, fuck all of you.

>> No.12108271 [View]
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>people who pursue more rigorous academic programs are pseuds
Yes. There isn't a reason to because you run the risk of lowering your overall performance and, actually decreasing the amount of free time you have to invest in other academic pursuits. Instead of research opportunities, and even having a social life, you waste time with extra-courses that neither graduate school admissions care about, nor employers. It's to toot your own horn and look intelligent but in reality it shows the opposite. These programs at the undergrad level confer only a summary understanding, a superficial outlook; the real rigorousity lies in the monotonous and worthless amount of busy-body work designed mostly to accommodate affirmative action students who otherwise would fail if the course weight rested solely on testing.

>> No.12086751 [View]
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I should be able to expropriate that West and his family's entire estate for myself. I am, after all, vastly more intelligent, and indeed would make better use of it.
I'm not a fan of wealth redistribution, or egalitarian notions, so it would be winner-takes-all. If this were the jungle, let's be honest, it would be justifiable.

>> No.12073340 [View]
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That's true. I just feel that my college career and my life at large has been a waste. I want to help my country in some way. I suppose I would use my military service to pay off my college loans or to fund my postgrad education.

I wouldn't say I want to die, but I'm open to it. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and it would mean nothing. If I died at war it would at least make my parents and grandparents proud

It seems that all the rumors are true. No navy for me I guess

>> No.12054641 [View]
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Typically, I stop reading if the stylometry is indicative of a low IQ person. I can tell right away that the individual responsible for this atrocity has at best an average or slightly above average IQ. The short sentences, the inane forced dialogue, and the painful deliberateness put into each word and sentence—as if this took significant effort to write and as if this was some masterpiece worth sharing—all can be gathered to surmise this was written by someone who is rather dull, at least relative to more intelligent posters on /lit/. Worse, this was supposed to be a recount of a real life scenario (which I severely doubt), to which the memory and the ability to to describe the events should be even easier to describe without any real effort or writer's block. The use of 'imperative' is out of place and clunky, a big word for a small brain dug out of a thesaurus. I stopped reading there. It's textual ditties like this that make me ponder if such people are NPCs. From skimming the rest, the end result amounts to flirtation and allusion to sex acts, which ties the knot that the reward of pleasure and the social reinforcement "SEX DUDE" and overt need to show that he is getting some, which perfectly fits into the model that he is a machine, a Skinnerian man compelled by primitive drives and past reinforcement of them rather than higher artistic striving. Bug factus est.

>> No.11956812 [View]
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Anyone else here grateful for their suffering in life?

>> No.11941301 [View]
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Things can be fun and believable while still being a tool for control. None of that is mutually exclusive.

You're allowed to not be a Christian, lol. Did your parents send you to your room because you kept quoting the Origin of Species to them?

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