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>> No.15228658 [View]
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You live in a country where 6 jews own the megacorporations that ownall the big news agencies. This isn't that strange. The jews can't control fascism as effectively with false dichotomies as they can with other swats of political ideologies.

We have all heard about Chomskys explanation on how the bourgeoisie control people by setting up false debates and options. But that idea is in it self built into all the false options given. Two examples, the boomer right and general leftism.

The boomer right is constantly feed stories about how hypocritical and insane the left-wing media is. Go to brightbart now and there is a story about the left-wing media. At the same time they are feed lies about how Trump is closing the border etc. He is doing none of these things. They are also being manipulated into supporting Israel, Zionism is actually very unpopular among the right-wing populace.

Now lets look at the left. They of course have the most direct route to the idea Chomskys false debate, but the idea is itself a tool to perpetuate a case of itself. Chomsky uses this idea to shift the blame for the US foreign wars on behalf of Israel to be about wars for oil, which is absurd. Think about Sadam Hussein, they got him to destroy his military arsenal to prevent a invasion from the US. They didn't need to invade Iraq for oil, they could just have bought it, like they do with Saudi oil.

More on Chomsky, he also took many leftist with down an insane rabbit hole defending the Khmer Rouge. This is the dumbest waste of time there ever was, why would a dictator fooling Mao into giving him cash and guns so he could make everyone illiterate, malnourished peasants be a priority? No-one care about Cambodia because they can't place it on a map.

This is the kosher sandwich which shapes your education

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