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>> No.15319744 [View]
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I was on seventh heaven while reading my book but i crashed to the ground after being done with it

>> No.15082006 [View]
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Can we just admit that theist - especially Christians are the ultimate copers? I myself admit that I'm trying to hardwire my brain to believe God is benevolent to prevent myself from waking up in the morning with suicidal thoughts in my head. Normally I'd curse the fucker but believing he's a good guy that made me a kissless handless virgin makes me feel better for some reason.

>> No.15081516 [View]
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What a coincidence. That's what befell on me some time ago, and in the end i relinquished my sexual desire out of sheer disgust for the gay community. I don't suggest you get involved into homo stuff unless you're an abject degenerate who thrives on one night stands and heartless materialism. I too clutched to the hope of finding a bf, but it turns out extroversion goes hand in hand with faggotry, and maybe, just maybe, we've adapted our love-starved minds to the only social outlet (4chan) that outcasts like us are allowed to partake in. Perhaps we're just prison gay, who knows?

>> No.15062819 [DELETED]  [View]
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Do I need to go to church to be saved?

>> No.15056832 [View]
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Well, I'm basically a NEET and have all the time in the world. Can I achieve that feat in less than a month if I focus all my efforts and time on it?

>> No.15048546 [View]
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>why do incels think that becoming gay will show women who was in the wrong
It's a phase anon, socially autistic will hardly find a male partner if they can't even talk to girls.
>become a monk or something
This is the only answer to the incel question. Come to terms with the fact that God made you this way and lay aside the sexual desires you'll never be able to satisfy.

>It's many times better than wearing diapers and dying from gentile herpes, AIDS or some other LGBTQWERTY++ sickness.
Some gay people utterly despise the LGBT community and what it has become. But all in all, earthly love always entails physical attraction which incels do not possess alongside confidence and an outgoing personality which mostly stems from physical attractiveness. The wizard life is the only alternative to suicide for introverts, it's a sad reality that we must face.

>> No.15043702 [View]
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I read nearly 5 books a day at the cost of a lonely hermit life

>> No.15031456 [View]
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So used yet so tired of loneliness

>> No.15010431 [View]
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None of these lyrics make any fucking sense

>> No.14987712 [View]
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The reason there aren't any good self-improvement books is because no one really understands how you can self-improve. People undoubtedly change at some point or another, but no one understands the actual mechanics of that. Self-improvement books are always just boiled down versions of current psychology research or a new twist on an old religious practice/idea.

There's two essential memes in self-improvement literature: brute-force and magical thinking.

One is the idea that you just have to push hard enough, dissociate through the pain, internal friction, external problems and just go head first until something changes. As elegant as bashing your head against a door in order to open it. Even if it works, you will probably go back on all your habits and lifestyle because it's unsustainable for long periods of time.

The other is the idea that you have to perform some specific ritual, align yourself with the universe, believe hard enough, organize your living room a specific way, be grateful enough to deserve it or go through any number of mystical experiences. Some of its forms are easily seen as bogus, other forms are quite subtle as they are cultural, considered "folk wisdom", common sense advice and so on. Like the idea that a change in diet can have large psychological impact ("you're depressed because you eat too much meat and you've collected too many toxins").

>> No.14976316 [View]
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There is an obscure psychotherapy called EMDR that uses some very simplistic technique to achieve success in treating PTSD. Apparently, if you combine activation of the trauma with simple repetitive movement of the eyes or tapping and so on, you can achieve some remarkable results which the psychological community has yet to explain clearly. There's some theory about it causing /accelerated information processing/ or /memory reconsolidation/ and so on, but it's all just unverified fluff.

It seems to me that the human mind is limited (and sometimes enhanced) by various unconscious and automatic processes that govern our perception, affect and even cognition and behavior. If a person can change in any non-trivial way, it is surely by the shifting of these processes, a change in the internal conditions which bring them about. In the case of PTSD, there is no arguing that it's the result of an automatic process, as the person has no control over whether he will experience a flashback and whether it will have an emotional impact on him. Traditional psychotherapy has only managed to design ways of coping with such problems, building up ways of suppressing these processes but never really changing them or gaining control. Arguably, much of mental illness is simply a "disorganization" of these processes that bring about psychological symptoms and make irrational behavior compelling. I have no idea how EMDR works, but at least some of the time, it can cause a shift, a change in the internal conditions that govern these automatic processes.

What are some books that explore this topic? I believe I've read pretty much all of what the psychological canon has to offer and yet I see very little in terms of chatter when it comes to these topics.
The dominant methodology in psychotherapy is the cognitive-behavioral perspective, which swiftly ignores these processes and reduces them away, but it's about as elegant as trying to open a door by continually bashing your head against it. A brute-force change in these processes is only possible through counteractive learning i.e. a process which suppresses the unwanted process, which leads to change that is unstable and requires effort and maintenance.

Also, feel free to recommend psychology books in general, as long as it's not the pop self-help variety.

>> No.14958919 [View]
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I've recently figured out that classical literature triggers a delightful reading experience within us specifically because it relies heavily on associations and references that interconnect ancient plays, novels, epic poems, philosophy and historiography to form an universe which solidly englobes the whole greek and roman literary compendium. You can read Aeschylus' plays and recollect the Iliad as you can associate Agamenon to it even without knowing the content of the plays, and in like manner you can recall your experiences of any previous text you've read by associating to them a familiar element. It seems like the ancients relished the usage of intertextuality and that might be one of the main reasons becoming knowledgeable about the classical world comes so easy to us other than being most likely a strategy used by the ancients to memorize texts. It's mindblowing that so many diverse genres can subsist in such an harmonious union, and no other cultural period comes close to it in terms of intertextuality. Is classical literature truly the work of Gods?

>> No.14950990 [DELETED]  [View]
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there are so many people to talk with but my only friend is still loneliness

>> No.14931858 [View]
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sadly it is

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