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>> No.21279411 [View]
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This has nothing to do with the discussion, but I found this picture somewhere and it looks so fucking cool

>> No.20805264 [View]
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Everyone talks about the judge, but what was Glanton's problem? Why was he such a self-destructive sociopathic indifferent red-nigger hating killer? It seems like he was focused on completely leading the gang to self-annihilation after the ferry takeover

>> No.19609445 [View]
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>Glanton gang was real

>> No.19274387 [View]
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Do you find an ambiguous ending stimulating?

>> No.19155034 [View]
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>> No.18139486 [View]
File: 371 KB, 709x1040, 918f6981270171.5cfa3ccf5806f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Holdenr was skateboarding on a cat carcass. The cat carcass asked him "judge Holden who is your favorite gamer?" judge olden says: "Read the second word"

Now, reply to this "Judge Holden if he real" for insane good luck everytime

>> No.18133954 [View]
File: 371 KB, 709x1040, A65B9103-0298-4CB9-8C52-BC1531EC16A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Cormac McCarthy fan art. I only read the Road, watched NCFOM and The Sunset Limited, and am a third of the way through a BM audiobook, however I find his characters entertaining and fascinating and enjoy seeing artistic depictions of them.

Plz label any images that are spoilers,

>> No.16999701 [View]
File: 371 KB, 709x1040, 918f6981270171.5cfa3ccf5806f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ~100 pages in and it's... okay. He uses a lot of words I don't know, but they're just western/cowboy lingo; I get the gist. The rest's alright. But I'm not seeing what's unadaptable from this. Or why it's so "mindblowingly violent". Indians with ear necklaces scalp some guys, they shoot an old crone in the head, they find some dead babies and so on. It's violent and gory, I imagine it in my head, but it's not making me jump out of my seat. "The House That Jack Built" and your average goreporn vidya are more violent. I appreciate the prose, it does suck you in, but it's just a continuous case of
>go to X place
>go into detail about the sun/lake/rocks
>something violent happens
It seems that it just uses lesser known words/lingo and no punctuation to give itself an identity. Thus far the Judge just called a nigger a nigger through some "ebin takedown". I found the passage weird as there's no way the other illiterate cowboy degenerates followed his train of thought/understood him, so were they smirking purely out of assumption?

I guess I was expecting more.

>> No.15263088 [View]
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