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>> No.22253855 [View]
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Are you implying I support the broken people that are Russians? Because all of them, Ukrainians and Russians are utterly incapable of even the most basic standards of self-rule. They must now be cowed with hook and crook to obey.

>> No.21711973 [View]
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>You completely misunderstood National Socialism. It was an anti-aristocratic mass movement.
Read supplementaty material, it was not anti-aristocracy, it was anti-modern-aristocracy. It had a whole program, schools and systems ready to select children and eventually families who would form a pre-Christian Germanic leadership class. That is aristocracy in the oldest sense of the word. Men who are of the same stock, race, culture, blood and health of those they lead but given a different upbring to foster traits of leadership. They wanted a national racial community that was essentially classless as we know it but had a dedicated leadership group/class that had the ability and upbringing to lead. That did not entail gross wealth, aloofness from personal affairs and were entirely removed from the men they lead.

>> No.21705699 [View]
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Why would that affect anything of what they said or achieved?

No. Christianity itself has failed to provide solutions and reasons to deal with all the problems we have now. What is needed is a new value system with blood and soil rooted at its center.

>> No.21701828 [View]
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>If you actually read any of the books I suggested you would realise that Hitler was against capitalism
He literally says that free enterprise between people is the engine that powers growth. Capitalism that is beyond the nation and seeks to harm, call it global/crony/hyper-capitalism was and always is harmful and is what Hitler and the National-Socialists stamped out in. He is a socialist, but you equate all forms of socialism with Marx. Nazi Germany was anti-marx and successful.

He was not obssesed with race either, read his writings, those of his contemparies, his speeches, their ideology and more. They did not care as long as you were German, healthy, not a Jew or Russian. The idea that they wanted everybody to be a 6' tall ubermensch displays a lack of understanding about Nazi Ideology, human biology, animal husbandry and simple eugenics.

Hitler, in his private talks, condemned the excesses of people like Himmler and others on multiple occasions.

Picrel outlines the nazi eugenics plan in full scope.

>> No.21700769 [View]
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Read it and find out. It can be downloaded easily. Nobody wanted an accurate, unbiased translation of Hitlers words. This is the same reason why none of the hundreds of recorded speeches have never been translated or shown.

Read it, if you disagree with a part. Consult the translation guide and see why the translator arrived at that translation.

>> No.21657844 [View]
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>No, the family unit is a support system, a loyalty that doesn't belong to the state, a means of independence and generational wealth accumulation, and the most natural order in the world.
You misunderstand my position. The family is not loyal to the state, the state must have loyatly only to the family. Wealth accumulation, imo, does not enter in to it and part of what causes the atomization of the family structure. They need to 'hustle', work hard, put in 40+ hours
When all they need is ootedness in a home they own in a homogenous area paired with skills and means for the local community to support them. End all dependende on foreign crops and products, chocolate, coffee, etc. Begin homestead houses and freeholders. Restore the honorable peasant class and noble rulers, stamp out the aritifical middle-class.


>> No.21640075 [View]
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This is the most pro-natal book you will read, it explicitly states how, why and what will happen if the nation adopts such pro-natal and the most basic of eugenic practices. And that the home and land is critical to the developement of a large, strong and healthy family.

>> No.21633102 [View]
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Yes. I have. His idea of freedom omits much of the human condition. I recommend you read Darré and leave ad-hominen alone.

>> No.21631870 [View]
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That is just Pre-Christian German society. That needs to move with the times and there is one solitution to that. One can not be Right-Wing and support democracy, no matter how small, no successful enterprise is managed well by a popular vote.

Picrel is quasi-confederational within a Nationalist structure with a dedicated leadership class picked and training from worthwhile families on merit, ability, genetics and leadership potential, they are raised from youth to be potential leaders.

I need to read the new translation, to better understand some of the more nuanced ideas.

>> No.21631825 [View]
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I hope you enjoy it anon. Pack painkillers and antacids.

>> No.21623276 [View]
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>Im not a Communist, i just want to dismantle the entire system that is opposed to Communism.

I am not sayinf Ted is a commie, but he is using their arguments. Jusr because he says is not a anprim does not preclude him from being one. He most definately is, just not a twig and berries and banging rocks together kind.

Read picrel, it puts some of Teds ideas and concerns in to a nationalist structure, it also predates him hy about 50 years.

>> No.21610566 [View]
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>But how does that explain the famine? It's not like they are exporting food, or the Nork elites are hording the whole harvest.
Yes, yes they are. The average non-military man gets allotted food parcels from the government. Typically in rice or buckwheat. The rest is given to the military.

>Besides the Nork government forcing you to do nationalist stuff, how is their life quality worse than a European peasant/serf
The average peasant was able to grow food, celebrate their culture, own currency, trade and sell almost anything they made or sold off their own plot. They could marry and have a big family, further they were healthy and ate a varied diet. The lord was entitled to work hours in exchange for protection and land tenure, in NK none of this is true.

>Yeah but there was some degree of autonomy back then, like you said. Authoritarian leadership + decentralized government works well like we've seen. The problem is that, whether it's Capitalism or Communism, governments around the world are centralizing to consolidate power.
Fully agree, this is partly what made the National-Socialists so successful, delegated authority to respective professionals or experts with ultimate responsibility and authority resting in the same person for a given area, typically a Gau, roughly the size of an old English shire or an American county.

>I think this encapsulates the problem with Communism. Even a state which doesn't obey the flow of capital such as North Korea still enslaves its own citizens for power. Whether or not communism necessitates some level of tyranny over the people is something I still don't understand. What I do know is, at best it just becomes feudalism. Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Perhaps feudalism with modern machinery could make a utopian society.
I would strongly encourage you to read picrel anon.

>> No.21602207 [View]
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How can it omit his greatest work? This strikes me as something subversive.

>> No.21596565 [View]
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>Solves the problem of technology in society
>Solves the globo-homo agenda
>Solves the obesity and health crisis
>Solves the issue of leadership and continual stable guidance for the future
>Outlines a method for uniting society, both high and low in to a cohesive whole
>Outlines plans to form a new way of organizing society
>Outlines why it would be beneficial
>Outlines the pitfalls to he wary of when implementing
>nobody has read it

Its as if they dont want people to know there is a better way.

>> No.21595970 [View]
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The aristocracy, nobility or upper-class, whatever you call them, are meant to be leaders. If they are not, they have failed in their obligation to the people and have wasted the privileges afforded their family. There is neither a blood, nor spiritual component beyond that which is shared with your ethnicity. They must embody some of the best characteristics of their people.

Everything else is just a false trapping to hang upon their station to obfuscate the fact they have failed in their expected duty of leadership. The false manner of speaking, the clothes and the estates are all wasted on those who fail to maintain martial and cultural leadership. They are so far removed from the people they should be leading, it is a national disgrace, their also motivated by greed now, not a sense of national or ethic pride.

Picrel fixes this.

>> No.21576374 [View]
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This book opened my eyes to a whole new way to organize and arrange society. This was the embarkation point for me. I hope others do too.

>> No.21562355 [View]
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The only thing that destoyed it was Democracy. In a Democracy you can not tell your voters no. A non-Democratic state can, especially one that is grounded in a Blood & Soil mentality.

No. No, it was not, why were there generous terms for home loans? Why were their generous loans for outfitting new family homes? Why was repayment in some of these loans completely waived if the family had 4 children?

The idea that Nation-Socialism had control of everything is utterly false and a lie. They were anti-marxist, people had more private property then than we do now. Farmers were mandated, by law, not to split their estates and to keep them whole when passing them on to their firstborn son.

Educate yourseld. The only time the Party stepped in was to curb excesses of big business that was harming the Volksgemeinschaft, so too were the workers prevented from harming it by strikes and protests.

It is not a difficult read, it is easily laid out and simple to understand what he meant and what his motivation was.

>> No.21551355 [View]
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I'll not argue the 99%, but because it is slightly better does not make it valuable, just less shit. He accurately describes a problem in society but is wrong in the cause and wrong in the solution. Picrel is the solution.

So has all of Ted's writings.

>> No.21541884 [View]
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Yes. The clue is in the name. What is different about them than Marxists are their support of the family unit, vertical hierarchies and private industry so long as it does not prevent the citizen from obtaining what they want in life, family, home and a job. They are also inherently against internationalism, the only world-view that is, and in doing so proclaim themselves nationalists.

>> No.21526021 [View]
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This, you have leaders and you have doers. The middle class are creatively and morally bankrupt.

>> No.21521097 [View]
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It does not advocate what he advocates for, but Darré does advocate for a rural existence within a national structure. There is overlap with the modern/industrial/materialistic/asphalt society being poison to the human body and mind.

>> No.21506214 [View]
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This is a misnomer, it means nothing beyond vagely affiliated with a set of beliefs you agree with. It functions as a conservative version of the term Progressive. It is a garbage word that can mean anything and nothing.

Backwardly stumbled upon a good point.

Nationalism is the only way in which an aristoctacy can be established and made a longterm fixture of a society. Without it you have globo-homo in the form of Bugpeople. Despite how it looks to you, who are below them in their eyes, they may see themselves as the true aristocrats able to make decisions for the rest of the world, they do not think of how it will affect the average family because there is not connection to blood and soil.

What a garbage take. The heiarchy of men is made so by nature, though you could argue nature is a small peak at the Divine, but i do not believe you meant that. Only a fool would believe they were above somebody based on happenstance and fluke.

>> No.21505849 [View]
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I have not had cause to type that word in years, roody-poo.

What mechanism keeps the monarch working longterm? The modern conception of a monarchy appears to be a foreign one brought on by the import of Christianity with Charles the Great. Instead, the pre-Christian Germanic noble ideal may suit you better. The noble and peasant are of entirely the same racial stock and legally no different save for the nobles are predestined for leadership roles as they have cultivated traits, behavior and mindsets that these more difficult positions require.

A nobility based on aristocratical ideals, wherein the best and brightest of the race are elevated to the top while those who fail to perform (over generations) are released of the burden of the noble and a more suitable canditate is placed there instead.

>> No.21488789 [View]
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>The nuclear family is the backbone of bourgeois liberalism... fascists creeps like Hans Blüher wanted to reorganize society along the lines of a männerbund and make women mere racial broodmares

Demonstrably false and a purposeful lie of what the society was projected to be. The idea that fertility, having children and largely being devoted to your children is somehow less than the ideal, or animalistic is anti-natal too. The family is the backbone of any lasting institution, being it the Hegehof or a local church. That is how important and strong the family is.

>So you can't explain how it isn't without begging your assumptions that it is? Figured as much
I shall now list instances of Israeli/kike/jew behavior that is precluded from Europeans.

>DNA required citizenship and full franchisement in the ethno-state.
>Exclusionary culture and systems where simply professing to be a part is not enough, you must qualify
>Child genitle mutilation, for the purposes of blood-pact with your God
>Choseness, which if it manifests in any other groups is supremacy and primacy.
>Housing destruction of people related to extremists for the purpose of jewish colonization
>The entire fucking West Bank occupation and jewish settlements

Kikes are a plague and should be stomped out.

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