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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14809860 [View]
File: 64 KB, 380x542, lautreamont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14652836 [View]
File: 64 KB, 380x542, lautreamont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Ducasse thread? Shame, as expected of you fucking retards
>Used his genius to write about the evils and cesspool putrid-ness of the world, but also wrote about the good also to show he was truly genius
>Wrote prose poetry about the heavenly and the deathly before faggot ass Rimbaud
>Studied the Classics
>Died tragically young but didn't larp the depression meme
>Every patrician on /lit/ acknowledges him but doesn't spam bait threads to get people to read him because his work speaks for himself
>doing surrealism before it was cool
>had to have a pen name because of how brutal his writing was, legal name still better.
>Plagiarized intentionally whenever the fuck he wanted to
>corrected passages from other writers in his own work eternally btfo'ing them
>The first few lines from Maldoror:"God grant that the reader, emboldened and having become at present as fierce as what he is reading, find, without loss of bearings, his way, his wild and treacherous passage through the desolate swamps of these sombre, poison-soaked pages; for, unless he should bring to his reading a rigorous logic and a sustained mental effort at least as strong as his distrust, the lethal fumes of this book shall dissolve his soul as water does sugar."- Canto 1
>literally influenced the entire literary world with generations to come with this single line:“As beautiful as the chance encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table.”
>All his work is translated incorrectly but still is genius
>certifiably insane(There is a book made by a medical professional of some kind to prove this)
>automatic writing before Burroughs
>Stream of Consciousness before Joyce
>literal devilish writing
>not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination, 98% of /lit/ would drop Maldoror before finishing the second Canto
>green tint

>> No.14545428 [View]
File: 64 KB, 380x542, lautreamont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Shrooms, Acid(a lot this one), tons of weed, adderall, lots of Benzos, failed an attempt at a DMT trip, Pure amphetamine, nicotine, caffeine,cbd, hydrocodone, and oxycodone. Psychedelic trips were fun but it seems essentially just recreationally unless you go into it noting the effects etc, etc, otherwise you'll forget most of what you learned in the next few days. By far the most euphoric drug are opiates(not a big surprise), albeit their not that interesting they are the best. Speed(pure amph not meth), is fun and helps me a lot although I don't use it much. Regardless it's not something that you should actively take.

Benzos are evil moving on. I really at most just smoke(marijuana) very rarely and have my few cups of coffee everyday. Absolutely despise alcohol as its a F class drug and practically worse than everything else I mentioned. I plan on doing experiments with LSD in the future but I'm still hesitant that I might cause some permanent damage.

I do admit that a few acid trips at one point in my life made me change my ways and turn my whole life around. I was actively using many drugs and failing all my classes and hanging out with a bad crowd just to do indulge in degeneracy for the excitement even though it was most definitely not my crowd, I'm glad it practically saved my life and made me find the artist within myself.

If i'm being honest, acid is what got me to start reading again with HST's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and from there its history.

>> No.14542415 [View]
File: 64 KB, 380x542, lautreamont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not female
>doesn't have 'dick' in his name
>not some stereotypical 'MUH, ME WOMEN, ME SAD' poetry bullshit
>Used his genius to write about the evils and cesspool putrid-ness of the world, but also showed that he wasen't some depressed retard like edg and wrote about the good also to show he was truly genius
>Wrote prose poetry about the heavenly and the deathly before faggot ass Rimbaud
>Studied the Classics
>Died tragically young but didn't larp the depression or suicdal meme just to die at 55 like muh dickinson
>Every patrician on /lit/ acknowleges him but doesen't spam bait threads to get people to read him because his work speaks for himself
>doing surrealism before it was cool
>had to have a pen name because of how brutal his writing was, legal name still better and cooler then unorigial edg's name
>Plagiarized intentionally whenever the fuck he wanted to
>corrected passages from other writers in his own work eternally btfo'ing them
>The first few lines from Maldoror are better than anything Dickinson has ever written:"God grant that the reader, emboldened and having become at present as fierce as what he is reading, find, without loss of bearings, his way, his wild and treacherous passage through the desolate swamps of these sombre, poison-soaked pages; for, unless he should bring to his reading a rigorous logic and a sustained mental effort at least as strong as his distrust, the lethal fumes of this book shall dissolve his soul as water does sugar."- Canto 1
>literally influenced the entire literary world with generations to come with this single line:“As beautiful as the chance encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table.”
>All his work is translated incorrectly but still is genius
>no green tint

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