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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19512848 [View]
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Here are the steps to be able to have sex with many beautiful women in a year:

>1. move to a neighbourhood with a younger demographic
>2. become a regular at your nearby stylish pub
>3. see and be seen in the neighbourhood
>4. throw parties at your place and make sure people have a good time
>5. repeat #3 and #4 and at the end of the night at your parties, if you have been gregarious and friendly to everyone while flirting with the women you like, you'll notice they'll stick around to the end of the party and once the last of your other guests leave, she'll be down to bang!

>> No.19492897 [View]
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Would you rather be a well-balanced normie or a schizo with some peaks and valleys?

>> No.18977851 [View]
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My mother killed herself when I was 19, my entire life is based around the idea that I have to find ways to not want to KYS

Hopefully /lit/ enjoys my work so I can live in a van down by the river in Kelowna while the vaxx culls the population of subservient beta males and useless fat cunts

>> No.18843605 [View]
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>filmed porn site that I sold
>wrote descriptions and copy in adult
>supported myself for 15+ years of porn marketing where I relentlessly self-expressed
Made more art than you, lived a more adventurous life than you, drove faster cars than you, fucked more bitches than you, about to release 2nd book
>this kills the pseud
I hope we can be friends someday

>> No.18831746 [View]
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Yeah but it's been great, drove around in my convertible turbo 5 speed car earlier today, got some rays, worked on my editing, keeping a level head.

I need help, that's right, which is why I've been using Reedsy.com and been pouring over editors to find out which editor can work over my garbage prose so I can shid out a novel that only liquor store and bud tenders will enjoy. Perhaps from my next job as a berry picker or some other manual labour gig that a social outcast, mentally ill person such as myself can partake in, I will have a more stable mind necessary to publish a 3rd book. Maybe then, I can make enough money to purchase a nice hat, or perhaps a well-fitting suit. Maybe someday I will be presentable to society and not some delusional boomer who actually believes he can write! I mean, that would be completely insane. I should honestly give my spot to someone more deserving of the spotlight, perhaps a person of colour or those living on the margins for who they choose to love. Writing on the unceded territory of several First Nations, I honestly display a sickening amount of privilege. Who do I think I am? Why would someone who has no University education even believe for a second that their mind is even capable of putting something out to read? Certainly your work must be peer-reviewed by other educated people, otherwise you're just a madman, screaming into the void. You'd have to be an utter lunatic to believe that anyone even cares what your brain thinks or what you can output. Really, I mean, most of us here are nobodies and have never had a single peer to even review their work, you'd have to be on multiple liquors and drugs to even comprehend the fact that your hallucinations are just that, hallucinations and not some creative vanity-project.

Damn, I'm out of rum.

>> No.18790261 [View]
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I have fucked 100's of women
I have owned several 500+ horsepower cars
I have filmed porn in Costa Rica
I made millions and had a cocaine addiction for almost 10 years, literally living a rockstar life that 99.9% of /lit/ could not imagine

Writing a book that expresses your inner creativity, the spark that whispers to you about characters, stories to tell, that is the most fulfilling.

Kind of sad that there are many, many more people in the world that would think 100+ bitches, 700 horsepower Supras, directing porn scenes, that are bigger accomplishments.

Follow your inner voice and that reward will guide you to doing what you're meant to do. Follow it sometime anon, it's great!

Self-expression is fun, try it, do you have any idea how much pussy I got in that fucking bathtub?

>> No.18754873 [View]
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How am I the only author on here willing to post a photo of their masculine lairs?

>> No.18751781 [View]
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I literally had to write my first book to get out of the hedonist lifestyle


Seethe and cope, my bathtub saw more pussy in a summer month than you've seen all your life

>> No.18745206 [View]
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This is like the American Gladiators of mental illness and it is so beautiful

>> No.18737435 [View]
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Yes, those cathedrals are totally bonkers!

>> No.18726858 [View]
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Cocaine is only fun when you are partying and will 100% get laid at the end of the night.

How the hell are you going to enjoy 14 grams of cocaine when you live at home? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18722790 [View]
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Life is... hmm... my most educated guess is that your body is like an antenna and your soul somehow binds to it during pregnancy. Then through age and growth, your soul learns to use the body to navigate through the environment. The brain / body / flesh / mind are not able to perceive the soul until much later in life, a "religious experience" or LSD trip can do this.

Once you awaken your tether to the spirit world, you can begin to learn that you're more than just flesh and blood. There is some consciousness in you, some spark of awareness.

As you grow older and your flesh and mind deteriorate, perhaps your soul returns to the state that you were as a child, more of an autonomous shell of a person.

All I know is that I have gone paranormal investigating and had some odd experiences that tell me ghosts are real.

>> No.18708673 [View]
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Yes, yes, I actually agree with you but the LARP that we're living in right now demands that we acknowledge these people as artists.

Here's the deal, you can call yourself whatever you want, but until you have likes and followers in the mainstream to acknowledge your self-identity as an "artist", 99% of people will see you as a schizo or unsuccessful or a loser if you attempt to do art without an audience.

That's why Waldun is a magnet for hate, half of the people on /lit/ hate anyone who tries, and half of /lit/ doesn't want to admit that 90% of success is not based of quality of work or whatever, but simply based on whether or not there is a general consensus among normies that this person is an artist and not some schizo larp'ing.

LARP it until you make it!

>> No.18701053 [View]
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Embrace the schizo and self-express!

>> No.18691948 [View]
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Anon, I...

>> No.18691734 [View]
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>t. early adopted schizo

>> No.18691628 [View]
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I am constantly imagining.

If you need creative help, email me, jason@jason-bryan.com

>> No.18689413 [View]
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Self-express on your own terms above all else!

>> No.18684414 [View]
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Witness yourself, anon!

>> No.18679490 [View]
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Embracing the schizo was the best thing I ever did!

>> No.18657581 [View]
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I've been living as an artist for 15 years, I know what I'm doing!

>> No.18641631 [View]
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Being schizo is awesome, embrace it! Self-express and create.

>> No.18602546 [View]
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Maybe self-publishing is spitting in the ocean for someone like you... have you ever self-expressed? Do you even have a single photo of yourself with a beautiful ex-gf? Have you ever drifted your 700 horsepower Supra while merging on the highway?

Like seriously dude, this website is the most depressed place on Earth because none of you believe in yourselves at all.

>> No.18587855 [View]
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When I moved into my Gastown loft in 2009, the rent was $1700 and included the parking spot

When I moved out in 2015 right before I had my kid, the rent was jacked up to $3400 a month... the parking spot was an extra $300 a month

I mean, if you live at home, have no money, you don't lift, and you're a white guy... like where do you think you are going to get women interested in you? How? What is interesting or exciting about you?

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