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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14845991 [View]
File: 12 KB, 236x340, genon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with The Introduction to Hindu Doctrines, Man and His Becoming, Multiple States of Being and Reign of Quantity for his metaphysical insight.

>> No.14829908 [View]
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You telling me that face is not memeable? Dude was made for angry incels who think they are smarter than everyone else

>> No.14644513 [View]
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>Why do you want to force people to read this particular author?
I actually don't want to. It's more fun when you see obviously intellectually inferior beings writing paragraphs of text easily refuted by just reading Guénon (pbuh).

>> No.14631539 [View]
File: 12 KB, 236x340, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emily can never hug Clifford and cause him to glance back in joy at her because causality is unreal. Relation is neither internal nor external. If it inheres in one of the two terms, it would not relate it with the other term; the same relation cannot inhere in both the terms as it is indivisible; and if it falls outside both the terms, it becomes a third term which requires another relation to relate it with the first two terms and so on ad infinitum. And without a real relation there is no causation.


>> No.14622958 [View]
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Rene Guenon''s writings (pbuh) illuminated me from my slumbering ignorance by igniting the fire of gnosis in my heart

>> No.14622024 [View]
File: 12 KB, 236x340, moustache man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am going for a Dostoevsky look, not a Guénon look.

>> No.14582831 [View]
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>> No.14461006 [View]
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what would guenon say about /lit/'s obsession with him?

>> No.14409076 [View]
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>> No.14391347 [View]
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based, longface crew assemble

>> No.14306790 [DELETED]  [View]
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the consistent perfidiousness of /lit/ Buddhists was a mystery to me until it dawned on me that most of them are Anglos

>> No.14213709 [View]
File: 12 KB, 236x340, cb0439673283b8b86031234a5e76f517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the long face?

>> No.14071394 [View]
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based or cringe?

>> No.14026831 [View]
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If the word ‘democracy’ is defined as the government of the people by themselves, it expresses an absolute impossibility and cannot even have a mere de facto existence— in our time or in any other. One must guard against being misled by words: it is contradictory to say that the same persons can be at the same time rulers and ruled, because, to use Aristotelian terminology, the same being cannot be ‘in act’ and ‘in potency’ at the same time and in the same relationship. The relationship of ruler and ruled necessitates the presence of two terms: there can be no ruled if there are not also rulers, even though these be illegitimate and have no other title to power than their own pretensions; but the great ability of those who are in control in the modern world lies in making the people believe that they are governing themselves; and the people are the more inclined to believe this as they are flattered by it, and as, in any case, they are incapable of sufficient reflection to see its impossibility. It was to create this illusion that ‘universal suffrage’ was invented: the law is supposed to be made by the opinion of the majority, but what is overlooked is that this opinion is something that can very easily be guided and modified; it is always possible, by means of suitable suggestions, to arouse, as may be desired, currents moving in this or that direction. We cannot recall who it was who first spoke of ‘manufacturing opinion’, but this expression is very apt, although it must be added that it is not always those who are in apparent control who really have the necessary means at their disposal. This last remark should make it clear why it is that the incompetence of most prominent politicians seems to have only a very relative importance; but since we are not undertaking here to unmask the working of what might be called the ‘machine of government’, we will do no more than point out that this incompetence itself serves the purpose of keeping up the illusion of which we have been speaking: indeed, it is a necessary condition if the politicians in question are to appear to issue from the majority, for it makes them in its likeness, inasmuch as the majority, on whatever question it may be called on to give its opinion, is always composed of the incompetent, whose number is vastly greater than that of the men who can give an opinion based on full knowledge.

>> No.13962844 [View]
File: 12 KB, 236x340, cb0439673283b8b86031234a5e76f517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author name-drops philosophers only to BTFO each and every single one of them with 3rd grade logic
reminder that guénon is never talked about seriously because he actually gives logical counter-arguments and quotes western philosophers extensively in a very systematic manner, unlike western philosophers who simply invent with new theories as to circumvent actual argumentation

>> No.13885804 [View]
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>> No.13857145 [View]
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>De même, il en est qui ne peuvent pas entendre prononcer le mot d’« ésotérisme » (dont nous n’abusons pas, on en conviendra) sans penser immédiatement à l’occultisme ou à d’autres choses du même genre, dans lesquelles il n’y a pas trace de véritable ésotérisme ; il est incroyable que les prétentions les plus injustifiées soient si facilement admises par ceux mêmes qui auraient le plus grand intérêt à les réfuter ; le seul moyen efficace de combattre l’occultisme, c’est de montrer qu’il n’a rien de sérieux, qu’il n’est qu’une invention toute moderne, et que l’ésotérisme, au vrai sens de ce mot, est tout autre chose que cela en réalité. Il en est aussi qui, par une autre confusion, croient pouvoir traduire « ésotérisme » par « gnosticisme » ; ici, il s’agit de conceptions authentiquement plus anciennes, mais l’interprétation n’en est pas pour cela plus exacte ni plus juste. Il est assez difficile de savoir aujourd’hui d’une manière précise ce que furent les doctrines assez variées qui sont réunies sous cette bien des distinctions à faire ; mais, dans l’ensemble, il apparaît qu’il y eut là des idées orientales plus ou moins défigurées, probablement mal comprises par les Grecs, et revêtues de formes imaginatives qui ne sont guère compatibles avec la pure intellectualité ; on peut assurément trouver sans peine des choses plus dignes d’intérêt, moins mélangées d’éléments hétéroclites, d’une valeur beaucoup moins douteuse et d’une signification beaucoup plus sûre

>> No.13820793 [View]
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>"There is a whole ritual related to anal penetration through the narrow door that opens on the labyrinth (in the man, the intestine). In Tantric Yoga, the center of Ganesha, the guardian of the gates, is in the region of the rectum. The male organ, if it penetrates directly into the zone of the coiled energy (Kundalini), can allow to awaken it brutally and to cause states of illumination and sudden perception of transcendent realities. This is why this act can play an important role in initiation. "This explains a rite of male initiation, widespread among primitive peoples, though rarely reported by Western observers ..., in which adult male insiders have sex in the anus with novices ... The custom of this kind can be very much at the basis of the homosexual eroticism encouraged so strongly by the Greeks in the classical period. This act is one of the accusations made against the Dionysian organizations by their detractors, and against certain initiatory groups in the Christian and Islamic world"

>> No.13739551 [View]
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What is it about this man that inspires such seething hatred among a certain subset of /lit/ posters? Is it the witty denunciations, the verbal skewering of so many of /lit/'s idols, the complete eviscerating of modernist ideology?

>> No.13583675 [View]
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>mfw someone on /lit/ refers to the writings of a 20th century philosopher as "metaphysics"

>> No.13577028 [View]
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>> No.13569820 [DELETED]  [View]
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>eastern thought isn't mostly better than western philo-

>> No.13546682 [View]
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Does Guénon btfo Kant? I just started reading him and I'm wondering if someone who's read a lot of both can compare their ideas and evaluate who's right.

>> No.13534569 [View]
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>The truth is that there is really no "profane realm" that could in any way be opposed to a "sacred realm"; there is only a "profane point of view", which is really none other than the point of view of ignorance.

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