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>> No.9742789 [View]
File: 439 KB, 954x743, LatD OtRA Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a cover creator program available with CreateSpace. Absolutely free, and through CreateSpace is how I get my books on Amazon. Once the book had gone through CreateSpace's system, I can then very easily send the info over the Kindle to get the eBook version done and it also uses the cover art.

If I actually paid an artist for cover art then I'd have higher quality stuff, but considering it's 100% free, I think I'm doing alright with what I've got.

Oh wow, awesome, thanks a lot! I hope you enjoy the book! Got the 4th in the Living amongst the Dead series around half finished, possibly even over half finished, depends on how long it turns out. Anyways, thanks again for the support, that's awesome. Here's a freebee; a novella I wrote in less than 5 days back in mid-March of this year, got it perma-free on Lulu. Cheers!


The title is a little bit melodramatic, but it suits the story.

>One more note on Cover Creator
Check out the white a little centre-left at the bottom of pic related. I made this on CreateSpace, along with almost all my other covers.

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