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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18455525 [View]
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>The year is 2022
it's 2021 retard

>> No.18255849 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why is this board so anti science?

>> No.17811204 [View]
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>/lit/ critiques author
>decide to read said author
>author doesn't claim anything that backs up /lit/'s critiques
>In the off chance that a critique does match what the author said, he backs up his claims with a multitude of reasons

This has happened every fucking time. NO ONE IN THIS FUCKING BOARD READS, THEY JUST PICK UP SHIT THEY READ ON WIKIPEDIA OR TWITTER. Im fucking surrounded by pseuds holy shit

>> No.17805278 [View]
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why tf is this board so misogynous? I also think women have inherently worst characteristics than men when it comes to temperament, but I don´t understand how that translates to hatred towards women
Women are fun to engage with, why are you niggas so disgusted by them?

>> No.17756841 [View]
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I really am not understanding the overall message of Faust. It just seems like random pieces of content that serve no purpose whatsoever. I kind of got the point of part 1 but part 2 is literally fucking random, it has no cohesion. Why is this the best piece of poetry produced by Germany?

>> No.17695652 [View]
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Books that will help me have fun and not take everything so seriously? Could be fiction or non-fiction

>> No.17670820 [View]
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This board is unironically the best way to practice against sophistry

>> No.17544502 [View]
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Studying Aristotelian Logic made me 10x smarter, or maybe just more aware of how dumb I was being before
Either way, its kino and you should go study logic

>> No.17528912 [View]
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I've seen the thing-in-itself. AMA

>> No.16323341 [DELETED]  [View]
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What is the Logos?

>> No.16256889 [View]
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Is it some sort of neoliberal axiom if I always think of how time is money? It feels like spending free time is a waste of time and there is a "right" or "true" way to go, which is to keep working (on yourself). The constant activity of the market in the back of my mind relativizes normal everyday life and my relationships as mere aimless nonsense. Especially because of today's constant connection to the Internet and general globalism, it feels like I'm not using my time productively. Its like capitalism has become objective truth for me.

>> No.16049467 [View]
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Praise Horme and fight Aergia. I promise your life will be much better. Cicero knew what he was talking about

>> No.15834142 [View]
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I used to think that taxing the wealthy and giving to the poor and governments regulating businesses were socialism. Then I actually read some books and realized that communism and socialism literally have nothing to do with redistributing wealth or government regulations, they're actually about who gets to own what. Communism and socialism argue that farmers and farmhands should collectively own the farms, factory workers should collectively own the factories, etc. while in our current system it is whoever is willing to pay who owns them (typically a corporation) as well as the profit generated from them.

Ifeel like I've been bamboozled this entire time. How did this meme even originate?

>> No.15755350 [View]
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I will kiss you

>> No.15678737 [View]
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Any books that prove we are not inherently bisexual? I really mean more of a biology book, any sort of scientific proof that our sexuality isn't developed in our childhood by society's values?

>> No.15580428 [View]
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Premise 1: I want to reach my goals
Premise 2: The only way to reach your goals is through action

Conclusion: Therefore, anything besides action is irrelevant towards reaching your goals

This is literally irrefutable. The next time you pick a self-help book just remember this

>> No.15482336 [View]
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what nigga

>> No.15480336 [View]
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If yall faggots knew the amount of ugly ass people I know that actually dated at least 7/10 girls, you'd throw all your fucking statistics out the window. Yes ugly people have to try harder, but your dependency on those statistics just hinders you even more useless

>> No.15319473 [View]
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>> No.15313983 [View]
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I wish I was smarter.

>> No.15280962 [View]
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The internet ruined my attention span. I can't read a book for more than 5 minutes without my mind wandering elsewhere and all of the words and sentences just kind of blur together. Then I just shitpost online until I go to bed.

>> No.15244821 [View]
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He's right tho. Anyone can commit to being a spiritual guru. Not anyone can be extremely rich (assuming thats the end goal of capitalism)

>> No.15235371 [View]
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I like how everyone in this thread who criticize OP present absolutely 0 arguments.

>> No.15208289 [View]
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The absolute state of incels

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