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>> No.17808258 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 2014x1312, Subtle Art of not giving a fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find this annoying or cringe? These books, along with an army of other books like this, I think I've even seen someone post about them on here before, but I don't really know if there's any succinct way of categorizing them aside from pop self help books that have a curse word in them (usually to make women feel "pOwErFuL" and "StRoNg"). The type of people who find this "deep" and "spiritual," better said, the public audience for this book I imagine as being cancerous and aids in their personality composition. I can easily picture a 40 something year old recent divorcee wine aunt in a Barnes and Noble in New Jersey or some other white liberal easy-living state picking up a book like this, reading it over one month and coming out "feeling transformed." I also love how the author sounds exactly like how he looks (can't really describe this too much nor back this up but bare with me) and he has that semi-basedboy physique combined with that quasi, almost-lispy androgynous voice that can only arise from someone pompous enough to think that they're "deep" because they have a master's degree in a generally impractical, elitist subject and they're speaking to a bunch of people whose biggest achievement is a $50k job at Deloitte as a back-end IT person or some low level accountant job (don't know why but this pops into my head). Seeing books like this be published and sold en masse is what affirms to me that mass-literacy was a mistake. Even from the first 10 minutes of the video, you can tell that this guy doesn't actually believe in any of the garbage he's spewing but that he KNOWS it's the type of thing that the Reddit-tier, "doggo, pupper, fluffer, doggerino" ex-band kid people eat up like crazy (not that I blame him for being a good salesman). The guy also handles himself with a sense of superiority and a level of subtleness that's so arrogant, in that he thinks that "many people make the mistake of thinking that this book ISN'T about principles, but if you LOOK CLOSER, you'll see that [incredibly obvious lesson that is hidden by the title of the book is ACTUALLY the point of the book] blah blah blah" a good metaphor for this is that one photo of Biden in front of the logo for his office that makes it look such that there's a halo behind him; i.e. clear reference to him as a holy figure; normies saw this image and thought themselves as geniuses because they were able to make that ridiculously obvious connection; it's just stupid and pretty much analogizes what people's understanding of this book and its lessons is like.

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