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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14206160 [View]
File: 399 KB, 1028x1337, ein00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a start. If you want to know G-d, stop tarrying and read tanakh.
The pharaoh.
That by which Being is.
Everything has to do with everything is my guess. Pretty pleb tier opinion I reckon.
Liberalism. Christianity is just an insult to our Lord.Paul is the arch heretic. Worse than Judas.
Thus its incorrect in my view. Just shows you human arrogance and the distance they had from the Lord.
Its funny bc all religions are the same. Wisdom is different. Religion requires belief, true faith depends on knowledge, understanding and wisdom, as I see it.
>If there is an everything, it came from nothing
How- how can you think like this?- I don't care but, just wow I guess.

>> No.13843679 [View]
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Based Pessoaite logic.
Everything in its right place.
There not all to blame man. Just the ones who breed fear into the species. Don't be too salty about the past. Your out of their trap, how do you feel about coming back to warn the trogladites?
Its not sex itself. Its just being addicted to it. People crave erroneously crave the validation of little o others while what they really want is validation from the big Other- which they have constantly if only they could see it. Thats what remaining alive is. I'm personally what I refer to as a Silenite [follower of Silenus] so sucide for me is not needing any validation at all. Think of Roy from blade runner on the slave morality
>Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? Thats what it is.. to be a slave.

A parting gift for the thread:

>> No.13782064 [View]
File: 399 KB, 1028x1337, Ein Sof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty powerful tool indeed, but "jews" didn't create it. The tree of life is something that is found on multiple traditions all over the world.
Even jews admit this tool goes back to the "garden of eden", meaning is a tool that has always existed so it cannot be claimed it "belongs" or was "created" by anybody.

>> No.12366052 [View]
File: 399 KB, 1028x1337, ein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is motion except where stillness is not? Where is stillness except where motion is not? From this we can see, all being implies its negation. In this sense all things are fundamentally the same insofar as they partake of the same nature, That nature expresses itself in a diversity of aspects. The self is the absolutely empty knowledge, the world of forms is the form and definite flowing of knowledge. But nonetheless all is known and therefore all is of the same nature as knowing itself. A monist who holds God is all knowing, all present, and all powerful is in agreement with the non-dualist who maintains the absolute self at the core of all existence. For God and Self are synonymous with knowledge itself.

>> No.12339849 [View]
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If the universe is determined, it must be beholden to that which determines it. If something is determining the universe it is either determined or undetermined (free/self determining) If that which is determining the universe is determined then it in turn is determined by something which is either free and self determining or determined by something else. Therefore, determinism is an infinite regress and unable to be established. In order for the universes origin of the universe to be other than an infinite regress it must be originated from an absolutely free entity. In order for an entity to be absolutely free it must be completely without characteristic such that it is not determined to be any particular thing. Therefore the absolutely free origin is pure unconstrained and undefined potentiality. Because it is undefined and without limitation it is capable bringing into being that which is determinate and defined, for it is without any limitations to prevent it from doing so. Because the universe is birthed from that which is absolutely free it is in essence determined by its very own nature and therefore self determining. Self determination is identical with freedom of the finite to define itself within its own bounds. Therefore all that exists within the universe is essentially self determining and therefore in a state of conditioned freedom. Conditioned insofar as it must take definite form and content, free insofar as it is what decides the content which it forms. Therefore the universe is a free self enclosed self determining system born out of the absolute freedom of pure undefined potentiality. Therefore we can choose to work to enable the goodness of ourselves and of other beings who are all free to work for the goodness of other beings insofar as their definite condition constrain the potentiality which they may actualize. Therefore we are free to create a world in which more beings experience their emergence and wellbeing or a world in which beings are more tortured and oppressed. We are free to actualize heaven or hell on earth based on our decision to take into account the wellbeing of other creatures or to disregard them for our own gain. Therefore we are responsible for our actions and we may bring good or evil into the world through them. There is no law or determination that stops us from exercising this freedom. There is only sheer consequence and outcome of the reality of our choices.

>> No.7909234 [View]
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2016 simulation purgatory. fractal kaleidoscope of nestled cybernetic fakery warps divine will [Genesis 1:26-30]. there's one way out. keep pushing on. past surface onto innermost

>> No.7202691 [View]
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It's likely shitposting and clickbait listicles will be the only remaining form of 'literature' in 20 years or so. Nowadays a book's cultural impact is defined mainly by its memetic potential rather than by its actual content, eventually we will be able to dispense with such superfluous artefacts. This is truly the age of the ephemeral, where literature and philosophy, which have always inspired to eternal truth and relevance are displaced by a landslide of algorithmically-callibrated content designed to provoke pavlovian reactions in a captive audience. eventually, the entirety of human civilisation will converge into an endlessly shifting, albeit homogeneous memetic singularity. Humanity's role will be reduced to turning machines on and off when needed, being fed a steady stream of memes just enough to keep them engaged, just another cog in an endlessly complex system, much like mitochondria started out as independent bacterian organisms only to become organelles inside more complex eukaryotic cells.

>> No.7112470 [View]
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God is paradoxical, yet completely consistent. He transcends all human notions of logic. He is logical, illogical, real and beyond-real. He doesn't only exist, He is beyond existence and is 'existence' itself.

God does not need to be proven.

>> No.5989324 [View]
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Something which is in everything yet transcends everything. Something beyond description and categorization.More or less comparable to the Brahman of Hindu thought,the Hasidic concept of Atzmon, or Adhi-Buddha in Vajrayana philosophy.

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