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>> No.21630871 [View]
File: 120 KB, 480x563, Laughing_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rather than investing capital for regenerating money (capital being able to produce more capital without direct labor from its investor).
As he said, parasitism all the way down!

>> No.20700113 [View]
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Das Kapital

>> No.19311617 [View]
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>> No.19266644 [View]
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>I do think that the formation of mega corporations like Amazon, Walmart, etc. are signs that the Western elite are consciously Marxist
do you have any idea what bourgeois political economy is like? it's dominated by subjectivism

>c-crony capitalism! not real capitalism!

>See if any of them explain why the completely avoidable 1984 soviet grain shortage happened again in 1985
because of the move away from socialism to liberalism. this is most obvious after 1989. also
>gorby is still alive

man, hitler is some grade A schizo material

>> No.19013206 [View]
File: 120 KB, 480x563, 733c0a9bdc14018eefa3925e70db02a2-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism is the most evil system ever created
marx makes a point of avoiding (slave) moralisms like this one. it is also the logical endpoint of the so-called free market, despite your claim of "exact opposite of a free market"

you can't have private property without a state, and states don't pop up until after agriculture arrives on the scene, you absolute historylet

"safety, food, and shelter" aren't money

bartering is a meme. there is no archeological evidence of a C-C based mode of production

>Capitalistic hierarchy is more meritocratic than birthright and caste hierarchy
>this is what liberals actually believe
thanks for the kek anon

>> No.18783545 [View]
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>In a capitalist system wars are morally wrong (they don't belong to the system of voluntary exchange). We oppose them, you want to spread them over the world to eradicate "capitalists".

>FDR was a commie

>> No.16778097 [View]
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Avatarfagging is against the rules, incel.
Ad hominems will not disprove his materialist conception of history and his analysis of society. A swing and miss!

>> No.16518658 [View]
File: 120 KB, 480x563, ADA80AEA-9E84-4EE9-895A-AD2DCB1E4611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's such a dense writer, I find it hard to even explain his position.
“So profound, I can’t even understand him!” — this is because it’s schizobabble, it’s not deep. Take the HisMat pill and grow up

>> No.16202486 [View]
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>> No.15564708 [View]
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>capitalism collapsing = society collapsing
ideology at work

>> No.14253450 [View]
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can't relate

>> No.14253323 [View]
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>> No.14203891 [View]
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Anything but B
I fucking HATE when rich people complain that they deserve stuff for being rich. Fuck them

>> No.13757997 [View]
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>>abolition of private property
>the government owns all private property you just rent it from them
private property that is licensed by the government is still private property
abolition of private property means that property is held in common by workers not owned by a manager with government permission

however the "ten planks of the communist manifesto" were just demands of policy change to specific governments of the time. No where did it say: you need these 10 things to be communist.

Capitalism is defined as private ownership of the means of production
Socialism is defined as public ownership of the means of production, a transitory phase between capitalism and communism
Communism is defined as the means of production held in common with the abolition of private property and the state.

>> No.13720834 [View]
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>/pol/cels don't know how family worked before the industrial revolution

>> No.13593959 [View]
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>"Politically, Foucault was a leftist through much of his life, but his particular stance within the left often changed. In the early 1950s he had been a member of the French Communist Party, although he never adopted an orthodox Marxist viewpoint and left the party after three years, disgusted by the prejudice against Jews and homosexuals within its ranks. After spending some time working in Poland, then governed as a socialist state by the Polish United Workers' Party, he became further disillusioned with communist ideology. As a result, in the early 1960s he was considered to be "violently anticommunist" by some of his detractors, even though he was involved in leftist campaigns along with most of his students and colleagues"
>"guyz i only want gay sex please don't bother me with anything else"
>"Foucault was among a number of intellectuals who signed a 1977 petition to the French parliament calling for the decriminalization of all consensual sexual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France"

>> No.13313065 [View]
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>> No.13307436 [View]
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marx. no contest

>> No.12705711 [View]
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None of which you've read, brainlet.

>> No.12476813 [View]
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>> No.11944278 [View]
File: 141 KB, 480x563, Laughing_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poopukuyama's original June 1989 "End of History" article from The National Interest is here for anyone interested:

>> No.11674898 [View]
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>le Rothbardian babby face
For a capitalists economy to exist sellers need to extend credit to buyers. This means a liquidity crises while the debt is maturing is always possible... you absoultly need a market for credit instruments, a discount/rediscount market. If credit can't be immediately discounted for money/actually usable credit the distribution of the aggregate profit will be disrupted. The dirty secret is the state is the only institution that can actually maintain this generalized debt market since it can always capitalize upon the state debt. Talking about capitalism without an institution that can actually preform this role is just plain silly.

You get mental retards like Rothbard who love markets but hate and don't understand how any actual business actually works. The lemonade stand analogies only go so far.

>The incompatibility of prolonged technical change and competition concurrence and the socialisation of entrepreneurial losses through inflation

>> No.11188987 [View]
File: 141 KB, 480x563, Laughing_Marx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must go back to the masters of suspicion

jean is just pissed that if people move on he can't make living concocting new and exiting freudian/marxist word salads.

>> No.11042727 [View]
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>Is his a healthy attitude? Unlike 'classical liberalism,' no.

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