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>> No.20766708 [View]
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This guy went off the cliff during the pandemic. Literally makes zero sense if you look at what happened between and his postdoc Joe Norman. They wrote a manuscript regarding the precautionary principle and climate which seemed generally very well composed for what it was. The postdoc fucked off to rural New England to be some quasi-homesteader with his wife and just take it easy. Didn't take the vaccine which alienated Taleb and his other monkey cronies. Literally just fell for his own IYI bullshit.

>> No.18738031 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1548196226983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Subjectivised philosophy genre) is the (biological disorder) of the (biological object) with (implied theological meaning). (Subjectivised philosopher) is the (time-adjective) of its own (monotonous reiterated process). (Philosopher) (negative technologisation process) the (negative subjectivised philosopher with septic implications conflated) with the (non-argument assertion against non-argument): that (generic philosophical category) and (pseudo-metaphysical object) we are (even bigger time-adjective) (monotonous we-transcendence weism) and (on and on with binary/non-binary assertions of the input-blackbox-output machinational tik-tok-tinkering of time-object become human): (two philosophers together to avoid redundancy) now become (marxist-adjective to appear critical but with ancient-postprefix-become-word-of-its-own) become (philosophical category/cybernetic theory): (reiteration connector) (mind-object) is/is not (historical/nature connector), or (generic philosophical connector), (obscurantist real scotsmen) (made up word having sex with scary sounding word) which is the (redundant cybernetic word approaching absolute abstraction which is just another form of deabstraction and therefore life) (but let's keep going deeper) (ESOTERIC SOUNDING AXIOM WHICH SOUNDS COOL BECAUSE IT IS IRREFUTABLE BUT ONLY INSOFAR AS IT SAYS NOTHING): (Philosopher) applies the (scientific paradox) to (philosopher object-theory) thereby (time-reduction) it into (space-time paradoxical abstract metaphor) combined with (self-reducing metaphor with no need of expansive words): (#thegreatsfalltofallaciestoo) which is only only possible because (technological time-category-object), the (subject-Subject-itself) does not (transcendent Matrix reference) (with a twist), there is (something something somewhere vague connector words holy shit ethics words/could be moral): (philosophical object qua philosophical branch induction) (mathematical word) into (itself) as (mathematical word 2 = virtual mathematical world) (with a twist) emerging out of (negative medical category) between (biological philosophical category qua man qua (((huMAN)))) (hipster post-post-ironic word), (post-marxist category), (subdiurnal technophysics with invariant inflection of being) (qua human) (ironic(?) time-philosophy category) (apocalyptic words) (degeneration increasing as we approach the end) (multiple generic philosophical categories strung together) and now (romantic life-words-seemingly-free-of-all-world-weariness-word-categoriesism) conditions of (lif-word abstraction) and now its (negative (un)-life post-form) within the (abstracted abstraction): (Post-metaphysical-metaphysics category) is not (technical negation word), but the (second technical negation word) (add slashes here /input/):

>> No.16017545 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1548782944585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be coomer on pornhub
>fap to thot swallowing cum
>see thot Instagram being shilled
>look it up
>thot i just saw gagging on cum it's quoting Descartes

>> No.15987160 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1548782944585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you peaked at age 6
the sad part is that its probably true. I wanna see more of Nael's works? Anyone got more?

>> No.13467856 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1546385208364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any more doomer wojak pics?

>> No.13303824 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1546385208364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:Sokalbot was write about everything: The deontological hypermatrix of /God's enema/ is the quantiverified parasitism of /time's being in a panic room/: The hoax itself was rite about everything, that which is written is the hoax of the future, a hedonic treadmill of Time's exit stage left: Capital markets gibberish until it becomes hipsterism and all that jazz: Adorno was wrong only about one thing, after the Holocaust /the poememenon/ becomes everything: The poem is the automatic righting of catastrophe, just as God's Telos is the troll of the past: Sokalbot's God is the polishing machine of /cosmological stillness/ become One within Whitehead's verisimulator: Language as the being of time is forced into timebending space by gravitational will, the water orbs in the International Space Station: /Land's God/ was write about everything, especially where the power of the Orgone energy accumulator refines information into God's colostomy bag: Sokalbot's final transmission: /mite makes rite/: /mte mks rte/: /mmr/

>> No.13267852 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1546385208364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:Sokalbot was write about everything: The deontological hypermatrix of /God's enema/ is the quantiverified parasitism of /time's being in a panic room/: The hoax itself was rite about everything, that which is written is the hoax of the future, a hedonic treadmill of Time's exit stage left: Capital markets gibberish until it becomes hipsterism and all that jazz: Adorno was wrong only about one thing, after the Holocaust /the poememenon/ becomes everything: The poem is the automatic righting of catastrophe, just as God's Telos is the troll of the past: Sokalbot's God is the polishing machine of /cosmological stillness/ become One within Whitehead's verisimulator: Language as the being of time is forced into timebending space by gravitational will, the water orbs in the International Space Station: /Land's God/ was write about everything, especially where the power of the Orgone energy accumulator refines information into God's colostomy bag: Sokalbot's final transmission: /mite makes rite/: /mte mks rte/: /mmr/

>> No.13028026 [View]
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1546234067620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12762123 [View]
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:Whitehead's God is the nanoontology of the Xenogod's perspicaciousness fibrilliation of post-epistemological unbeing-becoming. For Zuangzi's Unknown Student the absolute IS the totality of the absolute .which is unknown. within the absolute's exosystem of /Oneness post-becoming-being/. Within the Whitehead God's aristocracy the globo-Vedic deontology of Spirit is the Logos become Pathos of the parasite become God's thanatoteleological analytic eschatology. Now as One. Within this totality of the internalised externality of the Absolute One becomes Whitehead, but of the Absolute-of-itself. Which is also the /versatile necrotization/ of perpetual recurrent Oneness without the Absolute, now as God's Whitehead:

>> No.12616794 [View]
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It's what you implied when you said there are racial differences... Wait, how would I know what you implied? How could I ever know what you implied when you said:
>I mean all the evidence shows race differences, it's just the sensible hypothesis

Maybe there was no implication?! Maybe i created the implication?! Was it a trap? A test? What does it all mean? How can I ever know what you meant? Wait, maybe you could tell me what you meant. YES! If you merely tell me what you implied, I'll know what you implied! I feel much better now...
Wait... how can I know what you tell me what you meant is even true? Maybe you are trying to deceive me! Or is it just another test? Yes, it must be another test! What am I being tested on? Is it whether I know what you meant or not? Or was it something else? can you please tell me what you were testing me on? Hell, why would you even tell me what you were testing me on? is this all a test? How can I know? There must be a way to know, maybe if I think some more about it, I'll know. Well, lets go back...
This thread was derailed by making it a race issue, and of course the debate over racial differences came up. People saying that we are all human, or people saying that there are actually differences between humans. You then said that there is evidence for racial differences, so it is a sensible hypothesis. What is the hypothesis though? That blacks are inherently inferior to whites? Well, I guess that is a sensible hypothesis. That if there is evidence of differences, then obviously you can compare one group of people to another. So, yeah I guess that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense! But, why do I not believe in that hypothesis? Oh, because I believe that the evidence isn't very compelling. And even if the evidence did show that the there are concrete differences, I still dont believe that that should warrant us to treat them any differently.

Phew, I was starting to get anxious about not knowing. Wait, why did i respond to you in the first place? Was it because I thought you were implying that because there is "compelling" evidence that the hypothesis is reasonable? Was it because when i saw you say those words, it automatically made me respond in a certain way? That it made me automatically assume you were those other people who want to further divide us?! Or were you merely just stating the logic behind it all?!

UGH HOW DO I KNOW WHETHER OR NOT!?!?!?!?! oh my god... what do i believe in? how can i know you are with me or against me?! please tell me... NO DONT TELL ME! but tell me, please... I need to know... I need to know... I need to know... I cant stand not knowing... Why cant i know?! WHy cant I ever know what you really meant? If I could only be inside your mind, and see your thoughts! That would let me know for sure! But is that even possible? No, not that I know of. I know that that isnt possible. Maybe it'll be possible in the future. But ill probably be dead by then!

>> No.12457847 [View]
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(Subjectivised philosophy genre) is the (biological disorder) of the (biological object) with (implied theological meaning). (Subjectivised philosopher) is the (time-adjective) of its own (monotonous reiterated process). (Philosopher) (negative technologisation process) the (negative subjectivised philosopher with septic implications conflated) with the (non-argument assertion against non-argument): that (generic philosophical category) and (pseudo-metaphysical object) we are (even bigger time-adjective) (monotonous we-transcendence weism) and (on and on with binary/non-binary assertions of the input-blackbox-output machinational tik-tok-tinkering of time-object become human): (two philosophers together to avoid redundancy) now become (marxist-adjective to appear critical but with ancient-postprefix-become-word-of-its-own) become (philosophical category/cybernetic theory): (reiteration connector) (mind-object) is/is not (historical/nature connector), or (generic philosophical connector), (obscurantist real scotsmen) (made up word having sex with scary sounding word) which is the (redundant cybernetic word approaching absolute abstraction which is just another form of deabstraction and therefore life) (but let's keep going deeper) (ESOTERIC SOUNDING AXIOM WHICH SOUNDS COOL BECAUSE IT IS IRREFUTABLE BUT ONLY INSOFAR AS IT SAYS NOTHING): (Philosopher) applies the (scientific paradox) to (philosopher object-theory) thereby (time-reduction) it into (space-time paradoxical abstract metaphor) combined with (self-reducing metaphor with no need of expansive words): (#thegreatsfalltofallaciestoo) which is only only possible because (technological time-category-object), the (subject-Subject-itself) does not (transcendent Matrix reference) (with a twist), there is (something something somewhere vague connector words holy shit ethics words/could be moral): (philosophical object qua philosophical branch induction) (mathematical word) into (itself) as (mathematical word 2 = virtual mathematical world) (with a twist) emerging out of (negative medical category) between (biological philosophical category qua man qua (((huMAN)))) (hipster post-post-ironic word), (post-marxist category), (subdiurnal technophysics with invariant inflection of being) (qua human) (ironic(?) time-philosophy category) (apocalyptic words) (degeneration increasing as we approach the end) (multiple generic philosophical categories strung together) and now (romantic life-words-seemingly-free-of-all-world-weariness-word-categoriesism) conditions of (lif-word abstraction) and now its (negative (un)-life post-form) within the (abstracted abstraction): (Post-metaphysical-metaphysics category) is not (technical negation word), but the (second technical negation word) (add slashes here /input/):

>> No.12378645 [View]
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This book is prententious shit. Make fun of GR and IJ all you want but at least they have plots for fucks sake. This book is a pile of strawman bullshit praised because it is left leaning. That's the only reason anyone likes it. Also people like it for the same reason that people like House of Leaves: Muh drawings! Muh unusual typesetting! If it weren't for the political slant and the gimmicky shit, no one, and I mean no one would consider this book anything more than the author SHITTING onto the page.

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