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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6767260 [View]
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Greetings, m'lads! I was hoping to pick up a book on my *favorite* genre of music, classical (second only to jazz and technical death metal), but reddit.com/r/music isn't the most literary bunch. Could someone here point me in the right direction?

Bach, Beethoven, the list could go on...

>> No.6739362 [View]
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>I've only read the first volume

>> No.6727282 [View]
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>mfw english professor claimed western culture was patriarchal without providing theoretical context, definition, or qualification
>also unironically used the term mansplaining in a prescriptive manner in an academic institution

>> No.6698183 [View]
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Is it just me, or does Homer make the gods out to be a bunch of idiot dickheads? They're incapable of deciding on anything, aren't much wiser or more virtuous than most people, fuck with Odysseus over the pettiest shit, and seem to only have immortality (?) as a clear superiority over humans. It seems Athena is the only one capable of doing anything right, if you count telling someone to mass-murder some pesky suitors to be great advice. Even then, she can't/won't do anything to save the rest of Odysseus' crew or get him home any faster. It takes her years to even get him out of being a sea fairy's concubine.
>mfw fundies sacrifice their bulls to Zeus
>mfw they make me drink hemlock after I enlighten them
>mfw I only know that in this moment, I am euphoric; not because of some phony gods' blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own love of wisdom

>> No.6660650 [View]
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>> No.6643262 [View]
File: 48 KB, 469x463, tumblr_static_5012689__6f67e31c52471863af16582fedf6cfa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read footnotes/endnotes

if it was pertinent it would be in the actual text

>> No.6596882 [View]
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>> No.6528406 [View]
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>> No.6359834 [View]
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literally the only response that post warrants

>> No.6231037 [View]
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>the fall

hated that book so much, it's like listening to pic related run his fucking mouth all night

>> No.6194807 [View]
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Who's to say every atheist believes that there's a 0% chance in the existence of god? I think it's ridiculous to believe in god, but I acknowledge that there's maybe like a 0.005% chance there could be one. I'm insuring myself against the off-chance there is and I spend an eternity in Hell or whatever.

>> No.6181232 [View]
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>bourgeois revolution
Reading too much Ayn Rand, kiddo?

>> No.6176896 [View]
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>> No.6125664 [View]
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One of my good friends is a Mormon and I'm subtly trying to make them lose their faith, or at least switch to one of the less insane forms of Christianity. Any books worth noting? Nothing too obvious.

My picks so far:
The Divine Comedy
The Stranger
The Brothers Karamazov
City of God (or some more mainstream theology along those lines)

>> No.6098979 [View]
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A hat off to you, m'savior ;)

>> No.6096276 [View]
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>> No.6040193 [View]
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>> No.6014815 [DELETED]  [View]
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>i read books

>> No.6006440 [View]
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Never having sex because you're a bitter manchild doesn't count as asceticism, OP. Go post your pill may-mays on one of the dumber boards and maybe you'll get replies that aren't taunts and wishes for your death.

>> No.5970933 [View]
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Ah, 'tis halal to see another servant of Allah posting on this absolutely haram image board. I'm sure my seven waifus will be glad to hear about godly gentleman. I tip my taqiyah to you.

>> No.5936707 [View]
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>I don't use the Oxford comma

>> No.5918648 [View]
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>I don't use the Oxford comma

>> No.5891367 [DELETED]  [View]
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its called cultural marxism and it was invented by jewish intellectuals to undermine western society and turn white men into cuckolds

>> No.5860835 [DELETED]  [View]
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>i like dystopian novels

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