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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7076002 [View]
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Seconding racetams. Love that shit. Only problem is travelling with it since any quantity of white powder tends to attract suspicion.

I don't even really like weed but at least weed, psychedelics and racetams actually promote creativity. I don't get good ideas on caffeine, just the energy to type or read a lot. I find caffeine also flattens my emotional response to things, which I wouldn't call a good thing.

>> No.7051991 [View]
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The Road, by Cormac McCarthy is the end-all-be-all of this topic.

>> No.7016224 [View]
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This anon hit the highlights.

Up, Simba by David Foster Wallace is one of the most important political essays of 21s century and deals with the subtle failure of democracy in America.

Any reading you can do on failures of democracy in the third world, particularly where the US planted it, will be useful.

>> No.6898653 [View]
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>I'm looking to get into philosophy
Why? Is there a big question pressing on your mind that you just can't answer adequately? Do you have a driving interest in logical structures or the way we make decisions? If not, there's little reason to dedicate time to philosophy beyond reading up on the history of it and becoming familiar with basic logic.

>> No.6861500 [View]
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All there is to know, in practical terms, is that Marxists believe that in one way or another the capitalist system will break and the little people will rearrange the distribution of capital by some means.

Do you wish to hasten the beginning of this event?
Do you believe it is inevitable?
Do you beieve it is desirable?

There ya go.

Personally I believe the average person is way too stupid to behave responsibly without overlords so my elitism precludes being a proactive marxist. I also don't believe that marxist revolution is inevitable, but it can easily be brought about by self-interested public figures.

>> No.6849712 [View]
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This is a caricature, but also correct. People absolutely have projected their own feelings, which they've been attached to ever since they were hammered into them as young children, onto a man who grew up in the segregated south. Except for one good article in the NYT, everything I've read about Watchman has talked about Atticus like he was a new person, or Harper Lee tricked us by hiding that he could have a racist bone in his body. People became attached to a fantasy of a pure white knight Atticus when there was nothing in the book that explicitly said he thought black people and white people were all exactly the same under the skin, which makes sense because that claim is a very recent construct that he would have to essentially invent to believe at the time Mockingbird and Watchman are set. Watchman just takes more time to examine the conflicts that a real principalled white man from the south would hold within himself.

Mockingbird Atticus was an advocate for the justice system and racial harmony, not equality. He didn't change a whit from one book to the other.

>> No.6837942 [View]
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Yes, numerous anons here write, to varying degrees. Some people only write occasional short fiction, while a couple of faggots have built ten-volume military sci-fi series. I write a lot of short fiction and am working on my first novel after cutting drafts of several less-promising ideas short.

What university?

>> No.6798864 [View]
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Women like men who make them feel something. Some writers accomplish this in a way that makes women feel something for the writer. I didn't write romance or smut or anything like that, but my stories offered an interesting look into my own background and displayed sensitivity and intelligence above that of the other men in the class.

Full disclosure, I'm a tall varsity athlete with an interesting accent so it's probably not just the writing. Just saying the girls commented on my writing in much more depth than they did the other guys.

>> No.6790524 [View]
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I've had English professors describe my writing as a mix of Pynchon and Faulkner. Can't decide if it's a good feel or not since I know one of them despises Pynchon.

>> No.6747213 [View]
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>never done LSD
>dad didn't get me into karting when I was little so can't race at Le Mans
>I've fucked ugly girls and can't take it back now that I can do better

>> No.6737596 [View]
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This is live guys.

I want to ask him if he intends to write a book about the troll known as 4chan who drives teenage girls off their booktube accounts.

>> No.6721475 [View]
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Really want to find out if you know a friend of mine (hot girl) but don't know if that's ban-worthy or not.

Why is it so great that Chinese international kids don't take phil?

Swear I'm not Chinese.

>> No.6715169 [View]
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>Pynchon isn't real
Ok, who is he?
I personally think it's someone who died between Against The Day and Inherent Vice, who was then replaced.

>> No.6712841 [View]
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What if you just suck ass at writing? It's legit not hard to get published if you have an aesthetic sense and write about something that people want to read about.

I bet you're actually a poorfag who blames all his shortcomings on his low birth.

>> No.6690293 [View]
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>muh fairy tales for grown-ups
>muh randomness lolXD

Pinecone is the only living author of Gravity's Rainbow and Mason and Dixon, but he's done writing amazing material now. Time for the literary equivalent of sending him to go live with a nice family out in the country.

McCarthy appears to still be writing at full force, so he's my pick.
>implying Harper Lee wrote Mockingbird

>> No.6685469 [View]
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There's a shitload of information organized very rigorously that you have to cover in every STEM field now, way more sophisticated than it was back in the day. On top of that, you'll have classes and organizations that help you learn about the practical professional aspects of your field. If you're taking that on there's not an awful lot of time for novels and flower arranging.

>> No.6680372 [View]
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Who /nootropics/ here? I've been experimenting with Piracetam, and it's interesting as long as I keep a choline-rich diet. Haven't had to supplement choline so far. Makes me feel much more "into" what I'm reading and when I'm writing I get in the groove much more than before.

inb4 straghtedge christposting. Intellectuals are drawn to experimenting with their minds, and have been for a long time now.

Shit's almost as much fun as adderall, but probably safer.

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