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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9269311 [View]
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>be me
>high school frosh
>reading the beats because my dad bought me dharma bums
>forward of some book references "Howl," look it up on the internet
>read all the publicly available ginsberg on the internet in maybe 2 months
>flash forward to sophomore year
>poetry assignment, you pick any poem you want from the text and orally analyze it for the class
>see nagasaki days, think 'fuck yeah'
>don't prepare anything because i feel like i understand it well enough
>day comes, my turn
>"Well, I picked this poem because I recognized the author, Allen Jinsberg. I think---"
>prof cuts me off, says "Ginsberg"
>say "Oh, haha. I don't think I've ever heard it out loud before."
>finish my analysis, get 100%
>understand that mispronunciations like this are a simple fact of the English language and nobody judged me negatively for it, except maybe chloe, that bitch
>move on with my life

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