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>> No.12737041 [View]
File: 133 KB, 1650x1070, raindrop-leaf-flower-plain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that pseudoAdvaita-anon by the way. I've decided that instead of going on about >muh book that teaches muh nondualist states to people, I should first read what real masters have to say on these matters, who I'm sure know far more than me. It just previously felt nice to be exploring my consciousness through my own introspection, without external aids, because it made me feel nice knowing that even if I never had access to these traditions and their insights, that I could still learn things on my own. If circumstance had forever prevented me from reading into these scriptures (ex. they were destroyed, etc), it was comforting knowing that we can still learn of our own natures simply through our own selves. But I don't want to proceed further on my own now, I'm going to try to read into Hinduism and Buddhism properly, see what all they have to say, and follow their practises as well. This is what I'll be spending my future time doing. (2/2)

>> No.12703708 [View]
File: 133 KB, 1650x1070, raindrop-leaf-flower-plain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't so far read any of the major scriptures of the world properly, and realized the earlier point on my own one day, when I stared at an object relaxed-ly enough to realize it wasn't "separate" or "different" from me. I'm not sure, therefore, which of the world's non-dualistic scriptures speak exactly of what I'm here describing. You mentioned the term "figurative", but what I described there isn't theoretical at all, it's not any sort of formal philosophical opining. The picture of the flower above is literally what I see a flower (or anything else) in front of me as being, because I've learnt how to reach this state of expanded awareness. It's tough to describe in words, hence why I used that photograph. The way that there's no distinction between the frame and the subject within it, unlike in our normal perception wherein we, the frame, see everything in front of us as being "other" to us. The oneness of that photograph is what you will literally experience should you dissolve your limited-identifications, wherein there's less of any "you" perceiving a "flower", only the "perception" itself. A camera, with an open shutter. Every object you see in front of you right now, in your environment, is literally that flower, and looks like that, but you won't see it as such while you identify as "me" and "that", because your awareness has been constricted by said identification. People who do psychedelics, and experience "ego-deaths", have this identification chemically collapsed for them, wherein they initially see reality as people normally do and then instantly transition into seeing it like that flower photograph, or the picture attached.

I don't even know what all schools of non-dualism exist, or which one I myself would be of, save for my basic agreement with Advaita. I'm not thinking about that anymore, only trying to teach myself of as many of these realities as possible. I probably won't subscribe to any school of thought entirely, if I end up reading into it and realizing it to disagree with what I've learnt in myself. I mentioned earlier that I'm not an "intellectual" and philosophy is not something I'm proficient at, whatever I philosophically align with, mainly non-dualism, is by my practical experiences relating to it.

I will surely leave this site real soon. These posts here are among the last I'll make, since I needed advice and have nobody in my own life to provide me any.

I appreciate the feedback though. I do agree with your points regarding only some people being able to understand it in the end. I guess I shouldn't try to scrape the absolute floor of the ocean, but cast the net low enough that, for a general audience, most could grasp some, and some would grasp most.

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