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>> No.13567410 [View]
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Strawman. The Salaf means the first three generations

Hadiths are by definition hearsay and generally compiled hundreds of years ex post facto. How they work is chain: they have to have a list of who transmitted this to whom stretching all the way back to the original, they have to be verified as trustworthy and with excellent memory (even still Hadiths CAN be challenged on various grounds, Maturidis will challenge them if they are insensible, and every other madhab will if they contradict the Qur'an, plus challenge on grounds of phony change or a narrator in the chain less reliable than thought is done). There are myriad hadith that do with Aisha's age, many going back to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). The only discrepancy is a minority say seven instead of six when she was engaged, but all say she was wedded to Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and moved in with him when she was nine. She is a prolific source of hadiths for all sorts of things in multiple chains and was a well regarded scholar (female scholars in Salafism are not uncommon based on this, one of Ibn Taymiyyah's prized pupils was a woman who trained many others). Very important source in Sunni Islam. Hated by the Shia though who refuse to accept anything narrated by her

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