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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19179027 [View]
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>> No.17584160 [View]
File: 64 KB, 295x172, 20200920_012223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16806696 [DELETED]  [View]
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What does /lit/ think of Taleb's work?

>> No.16512721 [View]
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>So, like an idiot, I believed him. But a year or so later, I heard that he was particularly avid for dollars and spent his time on the road speaking for fees. That, to me, was more sufficient evidence than thousands of citations

>> No.16464721 [View]
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>knows more about literature than you
>knows more about economics than you
>knows more about history than you
>knows more about philosophy than you
>knows more about statistics than you
>knows more about finance than you
>knows more about squid ink than you
>knows more about religion than you
>knows more about deadlifting than you
>knows more about food than you
>knows more about the Mediterranean than you
>knows more about risk than you
>knows more about genetics than you
>knows more mathematics than you
>knows more languages than you
>knows more about grandma's wisdom than you
>knows more about fat tails than you
>knows more about Saudi Barbaria than you
>knows more about psychology than you
>knows more about Rome than you
>knows more about Greece than you
>knows more about Phoenicians than you
>knows more about GMOs than you
>knows more about FiveFingers toe shoes than you
>knows more about business than you

All you can do is seethe and call him an Arab

>> No.16410324 [View]
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Taleb unironically

>> No.16404305 [View]
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>> No.16400736 [View]
File: 64 KB, 295x172, 20200920_012223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you guys tell me Taleb was the new Flaubert

>Plus je le lis, plus je l'écoute, plus je perçois qu'il y a du Flaubert en lui. Son sens de la formule, sa gourmandise gargantuesque de connaissances, ses charges féroces contre « les intellectuels-et-néanmoins-idiots », qu'il trouve « détachés du réel et aveuglés par la modernité ».

>Comme Taleb, Flaubert fustigeait sans retenue les « déplorables utopies qui agitent nos sociétés et menacent de la couvrir de ruine ». Lui aussi, lisait les anciens : Polybe et Pline pour le romancier, Sextus pour l'ancien trader. Et tous deux classent l'économiste libéral landais du XIXe Frédéric Bastiat parmi les grands génies de tous les temps. Sur un ton que ne renierait pas l'auteur du « Cygne noir », celui de Bouvard et Pécuchet invectivait copieusement ces gouvernants « bornés, faux, puérils, s'attaquant à l'éphémère, sans vue d'ensemble et ne s'élevant jamais au-dessus de l'utile ».

>> No.16176177 [View]
File: 64 KB, 295x172, 20200820_134518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFO atheism
>BTFO social "science"
>BTFO economics
>BTFO historians
>BTFO linguistics
>BTFO doctors
>BTFO medicine
>BTFO epidemiology
>BTFO academia
>BTFO nutrition "sciences"
>BTFO COVID deniers
>BTFO anti maskers
>BTFO socialists
>BTFO libertarians
>BTFO globalists
>BTFO nationalists
>BTFO wageslaving
>BTFO neoconservatives
>BTFO modernity
>BTFO evidence based "science"
>BTFO naive empiricism
>BTFO rationality
>BTFO cancel culture
>BTFO racism
>BTFO identity politics
>BTFO Panarabism
>BTFO Nordicism
>BTFO Pinker
>BTFO Harris
>BTFO Sunstein
>BTFO Tetlock
>BTFO Dawkins
>BTFO Molyneux
>BTFO Murray
>BTFO Mary Beard
in a mere 4 books?

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