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>> No.17789612 [View]
File: 810 KB, 1632x1080, Did you put it in her ass last night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard Tier:
Believing god will take you to the heaven in the sky, if you're a good little believer.
Believing some divine figure will judge your deeds on Earth.
Believing in reincarnation.

Dumb tier:
Believing god works in mysterious ways. And while you don't understand it, you still obey, because god is to be feared.
Hating god because of all the misery in the world. Oh woe is your existence.

Sensitive fool tier:
Believing in the spirit
Believing things happen for a reason
Believing in energies

Insensitive fool tier:
Believing god could possibly exist in the vast universe, even though you have no reason to believe so.
Believing you can game the system by going to church Sunday, despite disbelieving.

Thinker tier:
Believing god doesn't exist, because there's no evidence.
Hating religion, because of all the bad things they do in god's name.

Divine tier:
Realizing that the concept of god is the idealization of the ego. A concept of a greater self, projected by oneself. And that it's a natural part of the human psyche. And so no one is exempt from the feeling that a god might exist. As everyone has that chip in their brain. All except for the insensitive fools. And by acknowledging your own ego attempting to trick itself, you can truly come to terms with the fact that god doesn't exist. Not because of faith in god's absence. But because of faith in your own ability to project your own sense of self into the world.

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