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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11666467 [View]
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>i agree with a lot of this, particularly the arboreality of thought bit, i think a lot of today's shitshow is only operative in the denial of that arboreality. 'god is dead' means the center is dead, or what's the same, no center is intrinsically justified over any other. but they confuse form for content: evola, notions of atman, buddhist negativity, all this mystical stuff is pretty much saying that the proper center isn't ideologically but /formally/ justified. i consolidate my center precisely because it is one, because i am i
Hypermodernity in a nutshell yep. Also I really wanna emphasise how nice it is not to have someone fall back on Marxist critical theory or sociology-political arguments to explain the modern plagues. Agree with Heidegger here they’re far more ontological than material. Which might answer how I’d synthesise Taoism with psychoanalysis. I genuinely think it would perhaps require an entirely new system/language since people are apprehensive of spirituality in all forms but we’ll see, I mean Hegel did it with love, Lacan with poetry, it’s time for a radical transcendental synthesis adequate to the informational age.

>and please do make a thread, the more threads like this the more we raise /lit/'s collective level. and what do you mean by Water types?
This board does have insane potential, seems in flux between kitsch and catharsis sometimes. Water is an element of the Wu Xing which is Chinese magic. Put simply, every person occupies a certain element based on their essence and how they express it. Wood is organic, intuitive, substance ordered (Pioneer archetype, child, innovator): it leads to Fire which is contagious, creative, expanding, positive (full Yang): leads to Earth which is balance, nurture, logic/intuition, connection to the source and self-sufficiency (Yin-Yang, the Great Mother archetype): leads to Metal which is categorising, abstracting, specialising (the alchemist): leads to Water (full Yin) shadow, illusion, sovereignty, spirit, path to the future (philosopher archetype). Good allusion might be (Wood: Confucian) (Fire: Nietzsche) (Earth: Hegel) (Metal: Derrida) (Water:Wittgenstein). They can also be transplanted into a rhetorical context where certain methods of arguing emphasise a different elemental path. Wood overcomes Earth (Can’t deny intuition, same way Mother can’t deny child nurture), Earth overcomes Water (stability, it absorbs water and muddies it), Water overcomes Fire, Fire overcomes Metal (change, overcomes structure). Can also consider them child, adolescent, mother, father, elder from wood to water. Pretty useful, very revealing when it comes to people’s ideas interacting. I’ve compressed a lot of info so it’s kinda jumbled up but I have a lot on this.

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