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>> No.18261336 [View]
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I have been making those images since at least late 2018, the whole meme existed in my head before idiots had the same idea and perverted it. And nothing to do with “femboys” just anime characters. I hate femboys. Regardless of anything I like the art style, it’s nice on the eyes. I don’t like all anime but certain artist make nice pictures. Doesn’t matter if it’s a female or male character for it to look aesthetic

>"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Men and woman are just two microcosms of the dual reality, the second utter base of existence, the point where existence becomes something. But forces beyond them that influence there interactions exist. A greater force can wield the dual power in a microcosm, men who infatuate themselves too much with woman are normal and primitive the degraded beginning of the eon, men obsessed with men fear woman and are to some extent cowards, the degraded end of the eon, but to step outside is to exist above the microcosm and thus become the “god” of the microcosm and thus a lustful reflection of God
>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" - romans 1
I thought I was taking a risk by calling you out as a Christian, perhaps you’d claim to be some secular moralist or pagan, but I was right. I almost fell for that trap religion once too, till I realized my real morality had barley anything in common with the Churches. Why do you want to follow a God who restricts will? Real God doesn’t care, He just wants you to pursue what you wish and do it best, if you have the will of a tyrant or an artist, than surely you will be one, if you have the will of a romantic than surely you will be one. And if you have the will of a murder, than surely you will be one, but That doesn’t mean someone won’t have the will to stop you. All the conflicting wills creates a kinetic energy that pushes the world forward eternally, till at some point something will evolve and it will improve, the clockwork of “God” test itself through trial and error and eventually it will complete itself, only to start again. Conflicting wills push the world forward, but when the wills are brainwashed and stale than nothing much happens. The world runs on two basic rules, duality, and cycality. Christians like to act like they are above this believing good can exist without evil at some point some day and even call God absolute good in the human sense even as people suffer for no reason. And they like to think someday the world will be “saved” like the end of a fairy tale, a anti climactic halt no better than an atheist heat death view. Duality and cycles, the two basic truths.

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