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>> No.21034528 [View]
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>Like really nigger, "Anarchists" today are the shock troops of gigantic totalitarian states. They come out and riot in highly curated areas until the powers that be get what they want, then poof, they vanish.
"Anarchism is bourgeois individualism in reverse. Individualism as the basis of the entire anarchist world outlook." -- Lenin

Among other things he noticed:

+ Produces nothing but platitudes against exploitation without understanding the causes.
+ Negation of the unifying and organizing power of the authority.
+ Product of despair, the psychology of the unsettled intellectual or vagabond.
+ Failure to understand class struggle.
+ Absurd negation of politics in bourgeois society and the role of organization and education of workers.
+ No doctrine, revolutionary teaching or theory leading to the fragmentation of the working-class movement, leading to complete fiascos, and subordination of the working class to bourgeois politics in the guise of negation of politics.

I think he was right.

I think the main thing nowadays is the level of organization anarchists are comfortable with (not much) means that they don't lead anything, and in the main act as a parasite on other movements. I was reading a long article about the Ukrainian left for example during Maidan and right after, and it went into how the left in that country split over it, with the anarchist-minded types going in with it, but playing a relatively minor role of basically just showing up and joining in while the actual, organized and effective forces (that also turned that into something more organized afterwards) were far-right nationalist groups (the real shock troops in this situation) who were smashing Lenin statues and burning trade unionists alive as the communists were mounting desperate defenses in some of the eastern cities before fleeing to Russia or Donbass. Pretty bad situation.

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