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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7882088 [View]
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>tfw no comfy non-patrician university to motivate me to transcend the ephemeral academic epaulets of mere mortals, and become known for the greatness of my work itself, unaided by any name recognition or nepotism
>tfw being at a big fancy university that subtly encourages you to sit around and masturbate with other smug fuckers who got in because their parents gave them a slightly better shot at the lottery
>tfw the atmosphere of self-satisfaction slowly seeps in through all your pores and even your butthole, until one day you realize you've become a complacent bourgeois fuck
>tfw no comfy dogshit university that forces me to do cool shit like ferret out other people like myself who actually care about learning, start reading groups from scratch, and generally distinguish myself in unique, qualitative ways that actually require thought and soul, because there are no easy-peasy ready-made quantitative ego boosters set up already
>tfw sitting in quantitative ego-booster "aren't we smart for getting into this university" go-nowhere pseudo-patrician circlejerk #8492489124398 with a bunch of rich yuppie cunts and realizing with horror that you are actually more or less happy to be there, happy to be jerking off and pretending to be patrician with a bunch of other douches in a gay game of kayfabe

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