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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19821227 [View]
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But I'm black anon, are you saying my life doesn't matter? :,(

>> No.19758557 [View]
File: 19 KB, 553x506, Blackpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an 18yo from Jamaica and i only started reading serious literature about a month ago after doing some meditation and dopamine detoxing to set my routine straighter, and so far in terms of finishing it's only been 1984, BNW and Catcher in the Rye cause it was some fairly simple yet relevant stuff to start with; Tried to read Blood Meridian but it felt like i was spending more time checking the dictionary for incredibly obtuse and antiquated words- ones which certainly haven't been used in the past 50 years- than actually absorbing the story, that and... McCarthy didn't seem to have as much substance to convey as anons here promised he would, so i stopped halfway. As of now i'm reading Don Quijote and learning spanish at the same time, and watching youtube vids about Greek Culture to better immerse myself and gain extra understanding of the philosophers

I know i only barely begun but atleast i'm showing no signs of stopping

As for wokeshit, no, i'm pretty much the opposite; Infact, after reading: "The Real Anthony Fauci", Burn Loot Murder's destruction of entire cities and intensification of racial tensions, the subversion of Occupy with IdPol shit, articles about Bill Gates' nonstop manipulation and violations of human rights, etc... I'm thoroughly convinced that the top authorities/elites behind the current leftist IdPol Neolib Globohomo Movement are all manipulative, barbaric, authoritarian monsters of Nazi proportions; The shitlib grifter elites deserve nothing but death, i'm working my ass off in hopes of seeing a World where the billionaires' heads are all on fucking pikes. Their crimes against humanity are indescribably horrific, the sheer scale and scope of the physical and psychological destruction they inflict on mankind- the Imperialism, the poverty, the vitiation of love and relationships in favor of hedonistic orgy porgy, the growing and growing wealth inequality, the Military-Industrial Complex, the disintegration of the family, the obesity, the dependency on medication, the docilization and subservience of the populace (Just look at the majority of the World still buying the Scamdemic), the crushing of the Middle Class, the downfall of privacy, the demonization of non-leftist ideology, the growing, the disastrous effects of their expansionism on the environment AND YET MORE- Altogether their insidiousness is unrivaled by any other group in history, we NEED these motherfuckers dead one way or another, that much i'm absolutely certain of

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