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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19535210 [View]
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Jay Dyer is a false teacher, heretic, and a revolving door Christian.
If you still want to listen to him you will be getting the poorest teaching of Orthodoxy possible.
Watch this video if you require proof of his poor Christian nature, heresies, ties to the occult, and relentless slander of Catholicism. Maybe he is the perfect 4chan Christian...

>> No.17798838 [View]
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>tfw you suddenly realize that you're too old for this board

>> No.17736266 [View]
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Sorry fren
Hope you’re doing okay
Read the Bible, pray for her

>> No.17646413 [View]
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i've been depressed for years now and unable to read like i used to. has anyone here been able to overcome this and enjoy reading again?

>> No.16775884 [View]
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Who gives a shit either way?

I read a lot of shit, now I don’t even care
Let the universe reveal itself to you, you’ll get it

>> No.15161487 [View]
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>"to read" list is 1312 good books
>found only 80 so far

>> No.14755515 [View]
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All living things are actually one entity called 'Life' struggling to stay in the Universe. Books on this?

>> No.13907620 [View]
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If humans were born from evolution and natural selection, the process of the weak dying to make room for the strong, how could one argue for protecting the weak? In fact, doesn't it seem inevitable to conclude that protecting the weak is evil since if everyone could reproduce our species would experience genetic degeneration?
Please help me figure out a solution to this.

>> No.13658101 [View]
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I'm having a hard time going through Moby Dick. Sometimes, I don't even comprehend what I'm reading or what Achab is rambling about. Just like listening to a great Tchaikovsky opera, you don't quite get it but you know there is something marvelous about it. All that being said, the parts that I grasped mentally since I started it were really enjoyable. Should I put it down? Do you guys always absorb a 100% of what you're reading or do you sometimes let yourself flow through the prose?

>> No.13408099 [View]
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Most people don't read the Bible at all outside of church. A lot read just the daily readings, and a few read the Bible of their own accord.

I've been neglecting my Catholic faith since childhood, so in the past few years, I've been trying to regain my standing by praying the rosary, reading a couple chapters out of the the Bible, and praying a bunch of other prayers daily. I probably spend two to three hours a day praying and reading. I also took up a lector position at my parish.

>I've been reading the Bible morning and night since I was about 13

I wish I had the foresight and wisdom to have been so studious and faithful at an early age. I wasted so much time just going through the motions instead of tending my faith.

>> No.12916129 [View]
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It's certainly a haunting dilemma. In Joseph Anton, Rushdie mentions how the life of a writer is essentially a cloistered one in which their personal life is relegated to a peripheral concern and their writing, their deliberate isolation is their life. I think a parallel can be drawn to that of a reader. IMO this is why it's important to not let literature (and its inherent isolation) consume our daily lives. We must live and live fully.

>> No.12806222 [View]
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For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

>> No.12697577 [View]
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does anyone else feel like they're drifting through life, like they're not connected to the world around them, they're so introverted and separated that they are literally an observer stuck on the sidelines until they die

whats happening here? any books about this, fiction or non-fiction? and I wanna be clear I'm not depressed or overwhelmed or stressed out I literally do just feel like I'm slowly phasing out of the real world. surely some great writer has felt this and can impart their wisdom on my lesser mind

>> No.11370522 [View]
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I'm going to a military school in a week, I've countless numbers of philosophy and mental toughness books to prepare myself for it, but at the end of the day none of that knowledge matters until you've tested it in the real world. The majority of those books were written by philosophy professors sitting in their nice warm offices with a cup of hot coffee in their hand. What do they know about suffering except from theory?

>> No.11350648 [View]
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>> No.11127252 [View]
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Very neat. Thanks for sharing.


>read the daily gospel
>catholic meditation on the daily gospel
>notre père (en français because I'm studying it)
>prayer to our mother of perpetual help

Before first drive of the day
>prayer to Saint Christopher

Before meals
>Bless us, O Lord and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

>read daily acts of the apostles and daily psalms

Before writing
>O Creator of the universe, who has set the stars in the heavens and causes the sun to rise and set, shed the light of your wisdom into the darkness of my mind. Fill my thoughts with the loving knowledge of you, that I may bring your light to others. Just as you can make even babies speak your truth, instruct my tongue and guide my pen to convey the wonderful glory of the Gospel. Make my intellect sharp, my memory clear, and my words eloquent, so that I may faithfully interpret the mysteries which you have revealed.

Before bed
>reflection on the day's events
>chaplet of divine mercy
>notre père encore

>> No.9282938 [View]
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In the process of re-enrolling for the Fall. I did STEM for one year, had an existential crisis, and dropped out. Now I'm planning to do psychology w/grad school afterwards but I'm suddenly having serious doubts and thinking it might be a better idea to major in CS.

>> No.8836320 [View]
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If one doesn't believe in God (any type of God) what philosophy is there besides nihilism?

>> No.7830802 [View]
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Depression and literature made me more Christian to be honest.

>> No.7823561 [View]
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>mfw no f to mfw with

>> No.5959617 [View]
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>I can mechanically force myself to write
>doesn't make me feel anything any more.


What happened?
I don't have anyone else to talk to about this.

>> No.5770375 [View]
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The answer is Gustave Flaubert.


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