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>> No.15293752 [View]
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Because of appeal to authority and blind faith in institutions filled with retarded ideologues to the brim.
It is pathetic how she uses the most blatant psychological coping mechanism by saying "well some fetuses die anyway" to justify killing one when she acknowledges that is the start of human life. Under the same logic it is ok to kill any person you come across because they may come to an early death tomorrow anyway.

Sociopathic lack of responsibility towards action and consequence. They want to act freely without thinking about the consequences of their actions and believe that there are enough artificial barriers that you can place between engaging in the act of reproduction and the event of reproduction itself when you are a young fertile person. It is the ruthless relativism of the value of a fetus, in which a mother may kill one out of convenience but nurture and raise another in a time where it's the most convenient for her, which shows that her convenience and logistic comfort are more important than the existence of the fetus that she would otherwise choose to bear, lacking the naturally self-sacrificial nature of a parent, which exposes the inability to gauge said logistic inconvenience in the bearing of a child BEFORE engaging in the mechanisms of reproduction.

It's Sophism of such a level that they think that shallow attempts at logical-positivism (from those that refuse to admit that science is not on anybody's side ever) such as claiming that a fetus is a clump of cells as if every living creature was not effectively just an overgrown clump of cells that form tissues that form organs that form systems that forms the organism, will justify their disregard towards the budding human life they interrupt.

Another thing is that the "my body my choice" narrative is entirely incorrect since the body of the fetus is external to this of its mother, and its genetic code may share her DNA but is an entirely original genetic code born from the junction between the mother's and father's, and even if somehow the fetus were entirely 100% his mother's DNA, they would still have an originally generated genetic code.

tl;dr: Irresponsible, inconsequent, sociopathic, relativist and ignorant

>generate more economic value by whoring than by pursuing stem
The modern world told you it values women in STEM and sexually liberated women, maybe it values one of those more than the other.

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