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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12123734 [View]
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I have no family.

>> No.12120399 [View]
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t. flesh worshipping slave whose only happiness in life from ephemeral pleasure that goes away the moment it ends and thus sees the rest of his entire existence as a source of total and complete frustration.

>> No.11488565 [View]
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>why we try to achieve dreams and ambitions when It is just a bunch of pleasures
Long term goal oriented behavior implicates the advanced part of the brain and the pleasure derived is distinct from lower pleasures.
The satisfaction gained rests upon completing the task and itself, rather than the act of getting there or doing it. There is a difference between the pleasure sex or a high and the satisfaction gained from working on a problem and solving it.

>I mean, Kierkegaard can be a good answer to this, but what would I do when seeing someone cannot break up the reality wall? Try to go to the doctor because of depression but It got not help?
>I've been try to go deep on this question but as time goes by I have no choice but to answer of it is a success if and only if one got a pleasure from life.
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
I suppose you are getting at the vanity of "success" which is a true point. It is ultimately worthless.
However, most people, without something to live for or work toward, decay and atrophy. The only real alternative to this is complete seclusion in a monastic enviroment, something few people are willing to do.
Dreams and ambitions are not necessarily tied to an arbitrary measure of worldly success either. Something as simple as learning a language out of your own curiosity.

I look at it this way. I have one life. I might as well exert control and agency over it as much as possible. Working toward goals or having curiosity about higher topics isn't bad provided the end to them isn't hedonistic.
Look at life as an RPG game (admittedly, I'm not much of a gamer). Imagine a game where you didn't explore, didn't try to do any missions, didn't try to build up your character. Life is that way if you fall into the trap of, instantly gratifying pleasures. Objectively they're a waste of time and appeal to your primal brains. Almost a waste of being born human, where you have an advanced prefrontal region unlike anything else in the known universe. Countless people squander their one and only shot at life on foolish pitfalls.

>> No.9020336 [View]
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fuck this gay earth

>> No.8426740 [View]
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>>tfw just want someone to feel even half as strongly as I do about them

>> No.7910161 [View]
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>Reading Do androids dream of electric sheep?
>Androids pulling the extra legs off a spider that survived nuclear fallout, because it doesn't need them,
>It's radiation brain damaged dudes only companion.
>suddenly tearful on the bus
>About a year later I remember when I was little, I had to share my action figures with the other children in the street at a BBQ
>little kid pulls the arms off my 8 limbed mutated Spiderman figure.

>> No.6574853 [View]
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What are some great dystopian novels /lit/?

>> No.6209106 [View]
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I have never been happier in knowing that I have no friends and all my immediate relatives are dead or estranged; for it makes it a near certainty that nobody will ever buy me this book.

>> No.4960322 [View]
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hm, I dunno about you guys, but feeling patrician usually is one of my least favorite experiences.

For example, as a teacher of english, my kids would always ask me what books I was reading/had read over the summer. I would try to focus on the more "important" titles in hopes of encouraging them to try one or another book out. They would invariably be at a loss to continue the conversation along that route, so they would tell me what they were reading. I would cringe, but not having read that either I would be at a loss to continue the conversation without telling them the giant contextual problems with the stuff they were reading (e.g. "you do know that Twilight is masturbation material that was heavily edited by someone at the publishing company it was published at, all in the name of lending some kind of authorial authenticity to trash that was coldly calculated to appeal to a wide segment of the american reading public, which is largely young women, right?")

The conversation would end quickly, nothing was gained, and nobody felt fulfilled. Sometimes I'm just genuinely glad when I find a bit of pulp that I can read for the sake of pure, stupid enjoyment, knowing that in this at least I will have a channel by which to connect to the others around me.

>> No.4320521 [View]
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>> No.4095869 [View]
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Quite liked the descriptions in Ian Banks' The Bridge.

>tfw not over his death

>> No.3972990 [View]
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>> No.3517115 [View]
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>> No.3503416 [View]
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Don't make me feel this feel. Not again.

>> No.3364107 [View]
File: 465 KB, 680x762, 1357942108440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just met you, but
you are leaving, Monica
this is agony

>> No.3346265 [View]
File: 465 KB, 680x762, TanhauserFeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when a young Stephen Fry would have been the perfect Lovecraft

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