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>> No.12633820 [View]
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and because it is now on my mind, i want to share one last anecdote: apparently one of the reasons why Blackbeard gave himself such a terrifying appearance was so that on seeing him coming the passing ships upon which he preyed would surrender themselves without a fight. some part of me thinks that this cannot be attributed to mere laziness (although it is quite clever). chivalry dies on the high seas, and rightfully so; but it doesn't mean that there still can't be a kind of *gentlemanly* sensibility about these things...

there is a question to be asked here about etiquette, even in warfare, and even in the most ungodly and backwards and primitive of all places...what *prestige* is there to be found, in acting like an animal? the lure of becoming a monster is only appealing if you think you can be *the most monstrous* one around, and there is i think a horizon beyond which if monstrosity does not turn to refinement it becomes a truly missed opportunity...to unite and find a common parlance between the highest *and* the lowest is a better look by far than being victims, snobs, or monsters.

what a wonderful day it has been.

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