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>> No.12466782 [View]
File: 139 KB, 1164x850, Confederate Cavalry Charge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I looked up some events that are on Anne Frank's birthday to fuck with /his/ once. Some pretty interesting stuff happened actually.

>Disputation of Paris
>Battle of Jargeau (one of Joan of Arc's most famous victory after Orléans)
>Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts, causing the American Revolution to spiral into a full-blown war
>Loving v. Virginia ruling issued by US Supreme Court
>Russian Federation formally breaks the Soviet Union
>Nicole Simpson murdered
>NATO forces invade Kosovo

And since it seems to be everyone's favorite subject when talking about Anne Frank, here's what happened in the American Civil War on her birthday

>1862, J.E.B. Stuart successfully rides around the Union Army and attacks its rearguard, helping to precipitate the Seven Days Battles two weeks later.
>1864, Battle of Cold Harbor ends in disaster, with thousands of Union troops cut down by Confederate troops entrenched on the roads leading into Richmond
>1864, Battle of Trevilian Station, the largest and bloodiest cavalry battle of the Civil War, Sheridan's force are repulsed and nearly annihilated by Confederate troops under Wade Hampton III while attempting to cut the Virginia Central Railroad
>1864, Confederate general Leonidas Polk leads the Army of Tennessee in the Battle of Marietta and is killed two days later

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