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The Last Mortal Bond, Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #3 - Brian Staveley
This book opens with a time skip to solidify the changes at the end of the second book and for the characters to basically say "This is who we are now". I'm not really in favor of lot of stuff happening between books and just being described but I didn't let that get in the way of my enjoyment.
I don't know if I was noticing it more than usual or if it was actually the case, but there really is a lot of consistent action throughout the book. Events just occur one after another at a very brisk pace. A lot happens quickly, both in terms of time passed and page count. That's not only in terms of plot, it's the same for the characters as well. Their development seemed unnaturally fast, even forced at times, and by the end I was wondering if these could really said to be the same characters as they were at the start of the book, let alone at the start of the previous books.
Even so, it was a lot of fun, and for something like this, that's all that really matters to me. There's definitely a lot that I could understand that others could be less charitable about and rate it lower, but I overlooked the nonsense, and was amused as it became sillier. I don't know that I've ever read anything else with such incompetently successful protagonists, which apparently I appreciated. Fortunately for them there were a lot of competent secondary characters and they were who really mattered in terms of it being a good time.
The ending was fine, though it didn't quite go how I thought it would, but after the ending that was the second book it was a less of surprise. I had thought it was going for an ending that's relatively common in JRPGs, but it didn't follow though. Maybe it should have though. I'm conflicted. It's not really a type of ending I favor, but it would've made sense here.
I was planning on reading the first book in the next trilogy when it released a few months ago, but it seems my book reading whims didn't go that way. I'm eager to read about how these broken people with their broken lives in a broken land go for broke. Next for the series though is the standalone book. As always I don't know what or when I'll read next. Probably sooner than later.
Rating: 4/5

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